11/19/20 Flow : Hand Strength & Gripper Dropsets

The strongest hands I’ve come across have been on laborers.

This has led me to view gym advice for grip as terrible.

Every laborer built their hand strength up with lots of work daily, in gym terms massive time under tension, massive volume, and high frequency.

I own the 100-350 set of Heavy Grips grippers.

Sometimes I can close the 200, and I can rep out with the 150.

For awhile now immediately before laying down to sleep I attempt the 200 right handed with varied results from doubling a solid close to being a good inch from a close. I then give the 150 a good squeeze with each hand, and lay down.

Having went to the gym earlier in the day, and not wanting to lift outside in the dark I decided to have a fun session with the grippers.

I started with partials and negatives with the 200.

Then I repped out the 150, followed by repping out the 100.

Then I switched hands.

That was the first drop set.

Five minutes later I did a second drop set where I allowed some rest switching hands with each drop in gripper size, additionally doing the 100 inverted to end.

It was fun for me, I got a good pump out of it, and it was easy as can be logistically.

Despite literature saying not to train grippers like this, I think to truly get the 200 consistently, and to then advance from there, I’ll keep getting more and more reps with this approach.

There are anecdotes on forearm forums saying this approach worked for them, and this is how I’ve always treated pressing via pushups.

Do enough volume and the body builds top end strength.

Relatedly as a teenager I’d watch the Jean Claude Van Damme movie “Bloodsport”, turning it into a workout doing lots of reps of calf raises, and with the 100# gripper.

I’d even got my buddy in on it once.

Make training fun, and you’ll do more of it.

Do more of it, and you’ll get more results.

Persistence & Tenacity

Watching Television Is No Way To Live

Watching television is no way to live!

Click. The screen flashes, as the blending of colors quickly puts you into a trance.

In 5 or 6 hours you Click. Turn it off, and go lay down to another fitfull night’s “rest”.

You’ve done nothing to earn the rest.

Moments later :
Bring bring.

It starts again.

You wander to the bathroom in a daze, forcing a shit quickly, then stagger to the kitchen to slop down some cereal.

Drive. Job. Drive.

Click. The colors meld, and in a haze – five hours gone Click.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

That’s not living!

You keep up repeating that day, and suddenly a lifetime has slipped away.

November 2020 Flow : An Ode To Burpees

An Ode To Burpees :

A burpee, by being muscularly engaged cardio, is worth more than the sum of all it’s parts, it’s worth more than the aggregate flops, pushups, and squats.

In and of itself is a full body workout.

I’ll finish gassed, I do have a good way to go as far as jogging between reps, and picking up the pace.

Jogging in place ; that’s how I end, I jog the last minute or minute and a half in place, then hit two or three extra reps with a jump and double stomach hit on the final rep to end.

Still doing pushups additionally, the burpee has me doing bodyweight squats.

I find myself somewhat addicted to them.

Stomach hit. Toe touch. Hands up.

If I can’t come up with anything else to do, I may as well burpee.

Very few will join in on them, it’d be cool to have a crowd doing burpees, but I’m okay doing them myself.

I find them meditative, during the time I’ll go somewhere.

It’s both in and out, I notice everything, and when it’s time for another rep I do it.

An interval timer counting down works for me.

I could do them for speed, but I prefer the timer, treating it as a short work : rest sprint type conditioning.

I get why prisoners do massive amounts. I get it. I do them.

Ending with trx rows makes it a real solid workout overall.

The variant doesn’t matter.

I’ll consistently do the stomach hit, toe touch, hands up style without a jump.

Pick one.

Go burpee. Consistently.

Persistence & Tenacity

“Hollywood Transformation” – Physical Transformation Via Increased Shoulder Development

I’ve long known on paper that in a so called “hollywood transformation” it’s all about being lean with trap, shoulder, neck, and forearm development.

Coming from a solid burly type base, I’ve been prioritizing shoulders at present.

I’ve learned some stuff :

To build the shoulders well you need to be pressing.

Dumbbell pressing has more of an effect on the shoulders than with a barbell.

With the barbell clean & press it’s more proportionately trapezius and triceps than shoulder. The dumbbell hits the traps too, in a different way than the barbell.

John Grimek was described as using the see saw press as a frequent movement.

Sig Klein described it as the #1 shoulder muscle builder.

I’ve been emulating Grimek and listening to Klein.

See saw pressing is transforming my upper body.

Hitting the shoulders and abs hard, I look better. It’s the side effect of stronger. The see saw press makes you stronger.

Intermittent fasting has me leaner.

Combine the two.

If you have a solid base to begin with you can bring your physique up a level by regularly see saw pressing, particularly if your shoulders need work, and intermittent fasting.

It’s working well.


Two Simple Things Necessary To Aging Well :

There’s two simple things I’ve noticed will have you to age well :

•No television
•Eating red meat, eggs, full fat dairy – saturated fat

It’s that simple to age well.

Don’t watch television. Do eat saturated fat.

Don’t dumb yourself down in front of a screen, and don’t starve yourself of the nutrition you need.

Television dumbs you down. The application year after year truly makes you stupid.

Hormone production and brain function both are tied to the consumption of saturated fats, animal fats, red meat, eggs, dairy.

When you dumb yourself down with television, and starve yourself of the vital nutrition you need from animal fat, the two compound to create an aged idiot, starved of brain function, and without a healthy body.

The modern world kills humanity.

Don’t live by it’s suggestions, it’s norms, and you shall truly live.

Every second in front of the television is always better spent elsewhere.

As far as eating, trust your gut and instinct, you know inside you that saturated fat is what you need for health, not grains, not low fat.

There’s a reason the smart youth gets angry watching television, just as his favorite foods are whatever he can get his hands on with saturated fat present.

Persistence & Tenacity

Overhead Squats As Weighted Shoulder Dislocates :

Overhead Squats As Weighted Shoulder Dislocates :

This month of November I’ve been putting weight overhead daily.

A few times now I’ve not made it to the gym, not wanted to set up much equipment, instead pressing in the yard with a set of 50 reps.

Start at the naked bar, adding 5lbs the next time around.

After a set of 50 rep barbell presses you’re going to want to stretch your shoulders.

A dowel would be nice, but that’s at the gym.

Bingo! Overhead squats.

The positioning required is like using a weighted dowel.

Really let the bar go back, and you’ll find your shoulders well stretched.

You just need an empty barbell.

People overthink mobility. The overhead squat covers it (amongst other things).

Persistence & Tenacity

4½ Years Of Daily Pushups

4½ Years Of Daily Pushups :

May Friday the 13th, 2016 was the last time I missed my pushups!

Yesterday was November Friday the 13th, 2020 I didn’t miss them!

Today is 4½ years of unbroken daily pushups. Done at 1215am, as I had to do them before publishing this.

It strikes me as I type this that people may not believe in my unbreakable consistency…

No one is as disciplined as me!

I once dropped forearm onto a pillow with a hurt hand to keep the streak alive (age 15 before I could do one arm pushups).

Then they witness me doing weighted pushups with a middleweight standing on my back.

The truth becomes obvious.

I’ve done so much volume that I’ve come out with top end strength, so much volume I’ve come out with top end strength!

Don’t ever listen when someone tells you high reps won’t make you hellishly strong.

Be unbreakable for a decade with their consistency.

You’ll be the genetic freak.

High reps always and forever, and you’re the strongest around every where.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are dudes coming out of prison or back from deployment hellishly strong off of blitzing ANYTHING.

With zero equipment, full body : pushups, bw squats, either flexing or recline rows for back.

I’d like the full body of this to include lat pulldowns with the pushups and bodyweight squats.

The exact details don’t matter, just do the work.

Volume will make you strong, if you do it for forever.

I get much out of pushups alone.
5 years of daily pushups, coming up!

Persistence & Tenacity

Count The #P On The Leg Press

Count The #P On The Leg Press :

The hammer strength leg press is marked “start 118lbs” on the empty sled itself.

Most actually care what number the leg press calculates out to.

I don’t.

It’s a leg press, you can work up to a space shuttle on the sled if you really choose.

I can leg press it…for reps. It’s not difficult.

I count the #P.

P is shorthand for plates a side, and on a machine where one can pretty easily do a set of 50 with their squat 1rm (this is a minimal performance number), it’s better to not care the poundage, and for logging and knowledge purposes just have a #P.

At planet fitness with one loading bar removed you can fit 9p on the one there.

At any other gym, with the same model of leg press, but fully built with double sets of loading bar, you can fit 18p on the bars.

A 455lb squat means at a minimum you should be leg pressing 50x5p.


Fuck the exact numbers.

If it #P and change you’d mark it say 5p25 for 5 plates and a 25 each side.

That’s what I had my buddy rep out on the other night.

I recall a drop set from 18p down to 2p, amraps at 9 weights, I was at the time 19 or 20 with a 365lb max squat.

That was a cool day, I was asked to help with the plates by a former college football defensive end (6’3″ 280), and his 145lb lifting partner.

Obviously helping with plate changing I got a turn, it was flat out expected by all involved.

A dude from out of the region on a day pass, seeing the ham effort from three hugely varied in build dudes, joined in from the nearby bench too.

The more the merrier, like deadlift party’s on friday nights.

He, despite he and I being in different parts of the east coast, have actually caught a lift together at the SoCal bodybuilding gym.

The universe aligned for 48 hours of us being in town at the same time.

We did every single thing in the weight room that day, alternating picks of lift for about 4 hours, until a few minutes before closing.

The Leg Press : great for reps, great for bodybuilding, not a place to run numbers. Each machine is different, and #P is all the math you need.


Because it’s not hard to get to reps at 18P while using decent range of motion, and hogging every 45 in the gym.

Oh that single doing motherfucker.

Depending on your size, you can get huge amounts out of 4p-7p for sets of 50-100+.

And sets of 50-100+ with 4p-7p is well within your ability.

Persistence & Tenacity

Burpee As Amp Up

Burpee As Amp Up :

•Stomach hit
•Toe touch
•Wait for weight
•A few burpees
•Final burpee : jump, land, double stomach hit, equipment free pull apart, turn around, angry breath, come down

Starting from the bottom I went up to a weighted pushup with +200lbs.

My buddy, 150lbs, standing on my upper back while holding a pair of 25lb plates.

(Doubling him alone the other day.)

I did 8 progressively heavier sets to get to the +200lbs before going back down to +him alone.

I now view +150 as easy. It’s no challenge, it’s just a pushup.

The last couple sets I was amping up for, I’d pace shortly then do a burpee to the bottom, where he’d step on, and GO!

I went somewhere.

Not wanting to say a word, my self talk nothing but saying how I’ll power through it.

I’d doubled him holding 30lbs. A single with him +40.

He’s asking me if I can do more, he doesn’t want me to.

“You’re just holding weights, it’ll be fine.”

That california prison style of burpee, the one I picked up from youtube, I’ve trained myself to be able to flip a switch with it.

Burpee, Click!
The peripherals are in red. I’m stronger. There is only the effort.
Jump, Double Hit, Arms Apart, Turn Around, Breathe, Click. Normal

(j vengeance rise and grind)

I ran the numbers, the double with +180 is the equivalent of a 2x349lb bench.

The +200 weighted pushup equaling bench 369lbs.


Recently I’ve been getting better and better at going somewhere, then hitting big PRs.

In the session I also did some good high rep sets on the leg press, see saw press, dumbbell bench, and hit 9 pullups.

Very strong session. I have a switch. In general when I train – I’m there.

Amazing self talk.

18 months minus lockdown at planet fitness, over two years without hitting a single bench rep, I’m good for a 365lb bench if not 405+.

I know I can clean and press a pair of 100lb dumbbells. I can be a 500lb bencher if I choose to pursue it.


Persistence & Tenacity

11/10/20 Gym Dreams

Upon waking up I realized that over the last two or three nights I’ve had something happen reoccuringly in my dreams :

Sets of 20+ pullups.

Now at present I can get around 5.
The dream was set in the present, the difference in performance was going to a different place psychologically.

It wasn’t seeing red, though that can make you stronger.

It both was and wasn’t putting on a show for onlookers, in one dream I did 20+ off of some scaffolding while waiting in line at some movie premier in nyc.

That was to show off for my girl, and amusing myself rubbing in my superiority to a couple dudes who I knew from school and their girls.

It wasn’t particularly asshole either, I wasn’t being vindictive, it was just zen – thinking “look scaffolding, I’ll have some fun” saying “babe you see them all staring angrily, watch this”, and done with innocence and a smile on my face.

There was something far more base, far more primal, far more natural than showing off as the reoccurring motivation to do however.

I clicked out of the modern world’s conditioning, and into the “alpha state”, a place of zen, a place of truth.

One set at the gym was the thought I can keep going as I’d hit 5, then again at 10, and 15.

I dropped at 20 when I realized what I had just done which caused me to get out of that state.

Moments later in the same dream someone (pf manager) said “I’d like to see you hit 20”, and I immediately went and did so with them watching.

This time thinking at 6 reps in “I can do more”, then again at 11, 16, and dropping at 21 when I realized what I had just done which caused me to get out of that state.

They realized that I’d said how I went from around 5 to 20, and noticed that I’d just did 21, another improvement.

As the dreams progressed the reps progressed from a set of 20 to a set of 30+.

You know those usmc pullup bars set up at events?

With some guy who had advised me before on pullups (an older felon who had done federal time, character based vaguely on a real life dude I’m acquainted with from the gym) steadying that rickety setup upon having told him of the few times from 5 to 20+ he told me ; “this time keep going, at 20 something say to yourself I can do one more, then keep saying it”.

I jump up, soon it’s 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, “I can hit 30”, 27, 28, 29 are hard, I do one difficult rep to get 30.

At 30 I realized that throughout the set I was actually getting progressively more powerful each rep, that is was just mental my perception of struggle on the ending reps.

The guy is congratulating me for going from 20 to 30 just like that, I’m still hanging from the bar, I look at him…

I see…
Instantly I’m free!

30 pullups in I start repping extremely explosive STRICT muscle ups.

No kip, no hip usage, just the mental clarity that “I’ve got the power”, and “this is my natural ability as a human” as I’m exploding without needing to attempt the pullup to dip transition.

I’m throwing myself to the top, easy as pie, on back power alone.

The guy is barely keeping the rickety setup from falling over.

I don’t think anyone else was around, but in the state I was in I wouldn’t have noticed.

I was present.

I knew that the setup was tipping, but it was of no concern, if I had to jump off I’d just backflip off landing on my feet like a cat.

I’ve got the power! This is my natural human physical ability!

I awoke, the line between dream world and real world being very blurry.