Gas Station GOMAD

Regardless of where you are, in america you’re never far from a walmart or a gas station.

People overthink nutrition.

A gallon of milk a day is really enough, though optionally just add whatever food alongside.

Anyone can down a half gallon at a time. Therefore you can get that gallon at once or in halves. Anywhere.

So stopping at a gas station twice a day, or buying a gallon before stopping for the night to drink that night and the next morning is a way to have relatively inexpensive on the go nutrition.

That’s all the nutrition you need.
Five bucks tops for the milk, a couple bucks optionally in supplementary food.

Logistically a cinch.

COVID – Sports Fanaticism

A plus about the corona virus has been that as far as I can tell professional sports stopped.

I don’t hear much sports related.

No scores, no “we” anything, and barely hearing about the drama of players moving teams.

I like the peace of this.

Sports fanaticism is something for kids, and even then, little johnny would be better outdoors playing with a ball, than watching highly paid employees play with the same, or be in front of his 52″ hdtv stimulating the same on his xbox 11-d-billion.

On The “Stars”

I dislike the term “star” as used to describe people paid to be in front of a camera, whether that camera be filming for hollywood or for porn.

The stars is something you shoot for, and with how damaged, deranged, drugged, drunk, depressed, and driven to suicide the “stars” are – why would you want to be like them?

There is more to the world than fame and fortune.

Hollywood style fame and fortune – at what cost?

I’ve been in a gas station/convenience store in line behind a “big name” male porn actor.

He and the camera man with him, they both looked and sounded – desouled, dead inside, no life in their eyes, and broken. They were possibly high.

This actually makes sense to me now, though it may take some deep thought as to why – they sounded “pussy whipped”.

(Do you think there is respect of his masculinity by the girl? It’s an act – they’re actors. All parties involved are in sin.)

There is a better term than the colloquial “star” which boiled down is a hijacking of the phrase “shoot for the stars”.

“Shoot for the stars” is to aim for greatness. Aiming to be a “star” in the hollywood or porn sense is anything but.

There’s a lot of misuse of language like that.

(I’ve been able to intuit this since watching pro wrestling in middle school where everyone was called a “superstar”.)

Use a dictionary definition, instead of calling them “stars”, call them what they are – actors.

The ancients despised actors.

Rightly so, with the ancient’s thought being “if their vocation is to pretend personalities and fool their audiences with it – they are not to be trusted”.

Meditation on this view does a lot to deflate one’s view of “celebrity/celebrities”, and here too one must go to the dictionary…

What of them is worthy of celebration?

Only the spiritually sick idolize (idolize – check the implication of that definition) actors.

Spectation, and it’s inherent idleness is sin.

To you? Action is all that exists.

Gym Homework : One Million Pushups As Mandatory PT

People make physical training out to be this complicated endeavor.

It needn’t be.

I have some advice :

Go out and do a million pushups, then tell me you’re not happy with the build you’re at.

I’m not being facetious, this is a serious suggestion ; go do a million pushups.

At 50,000 a year that’s 20 years to get there.

Though honestly, it’ll come much faster.

I almost wish I knew how many reps I’ve done since I started nightly pushups at 14 years old.

How many pushups have I done in 12 years?

More than a million most likely.

2015 was the only year I ever had a number requirement. And I did far more than the minimum of 1000 a week that I was requiring at the time.

That year contained enough 1000 pushup workouts, while almost always going past the daily minimums that 250,000+ in 2015 had to be the case.

Honestly 500 a day is a manageable number, possible to do in under 10 minutes spread throughout the day, able to be done indefinitely, and which gets you to a million in just under 5½ years.

1000 a day is possible long term as well.

Paddy Doyle averaged about 4110 reps a day to hit 1,500,230 reps in a one year time span for the world record of most pushups in a year.

So the homework has been done in as little as 8 months.

Often at the gym, I’ll just want to do more, so I’ll fill this in with volume pushups.

I still haven’t dived into handstand reps or weighted reps. My training history is deep in vanilla pushups.

Their value, done honestly, over a length of time is immense.

Go do your PT homework.

Persistence & Tenacity

7/14/20 Flow : I Train Because/Why I Train

I train because getting down on the kitchen floor for a set of situps is something they’ll never do.

It sets me apart.

You may make more money than me, own a nice car, and a nice home, or maybe not. Society can say you’re worth more than me, that I’m nobody, and yet I’m your physical superior.

You can put me anywhere, and I’m still going to workout that day.

Equipment, no equipment, doesn’t matter. I’ll do my daily PT.

I’ve done calisthenics in more places than you’d imagine.

Between weight workouts and my daily PT I’ve trained every day for the entirety of my legal adulthood. No days off. I’m not built soft like that.

Often I’ll have people say that given
the circumstances where everyone else quits, that I’ll slip, sit on a couch and turn on a television instead of hitting the floor be it at the gym or at home, and then fall into that negative habit like how all the surrender monkeys live.

That’s not me.

I’d rather die than miss my daily pushups. For it to happen I’d have to be physically incapacitated.

A couple years back (April 2018) I did a set of three while ridiculously feverish to keep the streak alive.

The television has nothing for me, and it’s obvious that it never did anything good for you.

Still you watch.
And I PT.

You’re you.
I’m me.

Persistence & Tenacity

How My Mentality Has Changed Since High School Football

The coaches of my high school’s football team had a policy :

“No hitting for ten practices”.

Since two a days were around 10 days long, most kids would be eligible at or nearly after the first week.

As a very losing program desperate for bodies, it was quite lax.

You could skip some practices without excuse really, you didn’t even have to join before/during two a days, they had a cut off date around 3 weeks into the school year.

After I had quit as a freshman, this one lineman, a stork if ever there was one, who benched 365 that year at around 240 with twig legs, had persuaded me to join before that cutoff.

“I know you plan to wrestle, this’ll prepare you for that. What was it you were playing last year?”

“Right end”

“You’ll end up starting d end on one side or the other once you’ve shown to practice for ten days.”

The defensive coordinator saw me walking in to join that afternoon wearing a marine corps pt shirt from the surplus store. He got all hyped, I believe he was a prior service cop that I met in the gym years later, and had me practicing before the 10 days.

The first game, not yet eligible to play I was paired with the starter at right end for hitting drills during warmups and the coach walked by saying “damn insert eastern european last name, damn (looks at clipboards to put name to number) insert my last name, you’re not warming up, you’re going for real, he must want that spot, I think I see both my starting ends in 2 weeks”.

A kid moved from the next town over and joined, but remember the 10 day eligibility, and on him they were enforcing it.

He was pissed, kept saying how he was already hitting at the other school, that it’s not his fault his parent had to move.

Half way through that first practice he stormed out, actually breaking into the locker room to get his shit (allegedly not too hard to do, I’d heard with enough force push/pull they’d pop), and biked off.

I was getting into practice before they’d enforced the whole ten days, but still there was a lot of standing around.

This thought hit me :

You could make that inactivity still active.

“Fuck this, I’m going to go sprint.”

What’s the coach gonna do? Up/down you?

You could be there on the sidelines and start doing so on your own accord.

“Fuck standing around, I’m gonna condition.”

You could (at least attempt to) get someone in the sideline to drill with you, again all the coach has is gassers and up/downs. And that’s still you getting your way.

You could be ballsy and just walk into formation taking the spot you want.

Again gasser? Up/down? Actually playing? Results in fist fight which = no hazing?

There’s no lose.

If any coach wanted to kick you off the team for this stuff he would’ve been overridden by the psycho redhead former army ranger (that’s what the whispers said about him) and the ≤125lb 80+yo man who threw skittles at lollygagging fat body linemen, calling em “fat man snacks”, the practice of which he picked up from something he had witnessed in boot camp in a time pre vietnam era as he was old enough for korea if not barely ww2.

There’s always something you can be doing when you “have to” stand around.

And you can always go harder.

You want the struggle, hardship hardens.

Persistence & Tenacity

Honey Buns : The Best Preworkout

Sometimes junk food serves a purpose.

While a trip down walmart’s little debbies and hostess aisle usually means you find yourself in the land of beached whales, and may be on the path to the same circumstance,
if you don’t suck at life you won’t join their herd.

Visiting that aisle is a necessary evil, because there you find the best preworkout…honey buns.

Now I’m the guy who has a very low tolerance to stimulants.

I’ve taken a preworkout maybe twice at my buddy’s urging, and allowing his peer pressure to sway me once drank a bang energy drink.

Usually, if I really want to get hyped, and am willing to deal with the feeling of “I have to shit now” combined with frequent peeing I’ll mix a little instant coffee with cold water.

I have made “hyphy mud” on a few occasions, fancy with pepsi and inexpensive with generics, and feel if you need more than that you need to cold turkey stop taking stimulants.

When that’s the case you need to redevelop those burnt out sensors, as your tolerance is too high. A small amount of coffee should be enough.

A couple years ago, in this bad place mentally, I would go to the gym no earlier than 10pm, often lifting alone in the building at 2am.

That month or so saw me regularly doing a “preworkout”, I’d put a few ounces of milk in a shaker cup, and stop into a 24 hour place for a honey bun or two. Usually eating in the store’s lot, I’d have good energy within the half hour or so till I hit the gym floor.

Today (7/13/20) was a day where I didn’t think I’d go to the gym.

Not wanting junk food much anymore, I’d been craving honey buns for a day or two.

Thinking the day was off from the gym, I went to the store instead.

Among other things, I purchased some honey buns, then once home recalled how well they served me as a preworkout.

I poured about 4oz milk into a glass, ate one honey bun, and took the shot of milk.

I ended up having a great lift.
(On what was nearly an 18 hour fast, I had the aforementioned roughly 300 calories in me.)

Now sugar despite it’s bad rap, in the right times can be useful.

Sugar has a stimulating effect, that I find relatively level as opposed to caffeine.

Sugar does help with nutrient partitioning, bringing the nutrition where it needs to go.

Cheapo junk food sugar, in honey bun form, works for me as a preworkout. If there is too much sugar, I tend to blunt it with milk fat as I take it.

Of note ; gatorade can serve the same purpose as the honey bun, as easily utilized, fast acting energy. Honey buns get preference as gatorade can give me a slight cramping stomach ache when drank fasted before the gym. Gatorade shines as morning hydration in the heat if I wake up thirsty, and can still go back to sleep. I was doing that in Cali.

Sugar, despite all the bad shit written about it, is energy, easily utilized energy at that.

Give a honey bun or two, and maybe a few oz of milk a shot as a preworkout.

It works for me.

Persistence & Tenacity

7/12/20 Gym Anecdote : A Donnie Thompson Trick At Planet Fitness

If anyone from the old (now closed) “hardcore” gym is still reading this I have a funny story :

Now being on the gym floor while possessing a functioning brain I’ve picked some stuff up over the years.

I saw the powerlifters doing all sorts of band traction and spinal decompression.

Oddly the planet fitness I go to has the whole selection of bands, mostly unused, though occasionally used for band assisted chins.

I figure the trainer on staff probably pushed for their purchase to use with his group fitness class of heavier old women so they could “do pullups”.

I’ll take the big gray one and do shoulder traction with it on occasion. Rare, but a tool I keep in the wheelhouse.

It’s pretty amazing how well a few minutes of prehab/rehab works.

I’ve never felt the need to do banded spinal decompression myself, but I’ve seen a bunch do it, a friendly 308lb/superheavyweight powerlifter had shown it to me once, and it’s a tool I’ve kept filed away.

Apparently I had forgotten how at the “hardcore” gym spinal decompression was set up with a barbell not a pullup bar.

Ah, the story :

This guy I’m friendly with, an african immigrant (crazy backstory on him), often complains about his back bugging him.

He’s doing pulley crunches, we’re talking for a minute, and low and behold he talks about how he used to do this and that and disliking how his back keeps him from that.

Now I always tell people there’s a way to train that pain away, that some combination of stretching and strengthening will do it.

They always agree.

And while we’re talking I got the idea to show him spinal decompression with the band.

“After your next set, walk with me, I have something to show you that may help.”

As aforementioned, I initially tried to set it up on the pullup bar, I’d described the positioning to him, and as he’s climbing up it like “I don’t know I can get into position” (hips through the band and upside down), anyone looking would’ve seen the lightbulb go off over my head as I stopped him, took the band off the pullup bar, and we three (him, the gray band, and I) went to an open smith machine. I’d realized the pullup bar is way to high, and not a monolift.

With slight difficulty I was able to show him what I meant, and with much more difficulty, and in a very comical way (at one point swinging seated on the band) he too eventually was able to invert himself.

(I was cracking up, just expecting the walking by staff member to say something, or for someone near by to. The black dude on one side was looking at us like wtf, and the blonde on our other side who tries to be discreet about checking me out was this time trying to be discreet about figuring out what the heck was going on in the smith machine nearby, though probably still mixed with checking me out.)

We part ways, and maybe 5 minutes later he comes up to me “that feels good, it helped, I’m going to purchase one to use at home”, then asked me what exactly that is called, and where online to buy one.

File under Donnie Thompson tricks being done at planet fitness.

YOUR (Personal) Bulking Foods

“So man, I want to get a bit bigger. What foods should I eat?”

I tell him to make a habit of eating ground beef, to which he balks, instantaneously going “what about pulled pork”.

“Dude, if pulled pork is the meat you’ll eat the hell out of, then eat a bunch of pulled pork.”

The dude who recently thanked me, initially he balked at the idea of dairy, claiming lactose intolerance, but months later ran with my advice as a guideline, and it worked.

I’d told him to switch lean chicken for fattier beef, to make raw egg shakes, and to simplify cooking via such as a crock pot. Months later he took my advice, didn’t do it exact, but treating it as a guideline had been cooking beef & egg fried rice in big batches nightly, eating off it for dinner, breakfast, and lunch, then the next night cooking the next batch.

Bulking diets?

They don’t need to be perfect, or rigidly written, they just need to be useable.

A fatty protein source is your main ingredient, the exact source is irrelevant.

Initially for me it was drinking whole milk, and flabbergasting family as to how much of everything and anything I’d eat.

As I get more experience my primary is becoming ground beef, but if that gets too costly I’d readily switch to copious quantities of eggs, and go back to crock pots of chicken dark meat.

That one buddy it’s likely to be pulled pork.

One buddy of mine used frozen meatballs for his first hard bulk.

The dude who thanked me took my advice of beef and eggs with a carb, just in a different prep style than I do. I make cheeseburgers and raw egg shakes, he stir fries the combined ingredients.

As long as you get decent nutrition, and can eat a heck of a lot of it, it’s fair game as a bulking food.

Eating at an eastern european friend’s house as a child introduced me to kielbasa. I love that stuff, and possibly would choose it over beef.

I guarantee over in the former soviet block this conversation is being had in cyrillic, the bigger older dude being like “Igor you no like kielbasa? Then eat the cheap dark meat from chicken if that’s what you’ll eat.”

Somewhere in india an older kushti is going “then eat the garbanzo beans in flour form, and add sugar to your milk”.

It’s a universal thing. What you’re willing to do will be what works for you.

What you eat to bulk isn’t set in stone. Certain foods are advantageous, but as long as it’s somewhat nutritious and something you’ll eat in quantity/bulk for bulking it’s a go.

Persistence & Tenacity