Watching Porn Again? Inconceivable.

It doesn’t matter how long I’ve been porn free. What matters is that I am. And now? Now watching porn strikes me as an inconceivable action of self harm.

How many times had I said I was done? From softcore as a 16/17 year old kid, to the first time on xvideos at 20, to saying I’d kill myself if I watched again at 21 or 22, to the last time I watched it at 25. How many times? It doesn’t matter.

What matters is that a vice, and yes porn is a vice no matter what you rationalize, what matters is that a vice is gone. KAPUT!

I knew from the gate, from the gate! That porn was a bad choice. Maybe at 16/17 I couldn’t spell out the why, and yet I instinctively knew.

Regardless of a study, or the fact that by looking down you see that you’re hard, or what someone in the medical establishment says about masturbation being good to prevent some form of cancer, you know, you know by turning on xvideos or pornhub that you’re succumbing to weakness.

There is all sorts of bad shit going on when a male, and by watching porn you’re admitting to being a weak male, not a strong man, turns on a flashing screen of projected copulating bodies.

I don’t even support watching lesbian or solo videos of a chick. I look at a coworker looking at nudes and bikini shots on Instagram and think “what the fuck, why are you bothering thirsting over chicks you’ll never meet”.

Despite my youth I’ve matured a lot. Disregarding the negatives of porn, thirsty is conduct unbecoming of a man, and the real world is where you live.

I refuse to use Tinder, or any other app/online, to get a girl. I’ve felt for years that if I can’t get the girl through honest masculinity in real life, that I don’t deserve to have that girl. It’s a contrast, I have high standards, yet am brutal on myself in real life.

Real life is where you live, work, play, and online is a dehumanizing aspect of swipe right, messaging, attempts at jollies.

Porn, this is all interrelated.

Our society has fucked up views on sex. I came up christian. I doubt my upbringing, any rebellion against it, and societies (let’s be honest) sin will ever triangulate into a common area.

Viewing porn is doing you no favors.

I have a couple disgust reflexes from early on, to where my gut knew : “never watch porn”.

  • Church – Age 12- Everyone is admitting their vices, and the slimiest looking, 50 something, pale, pedophile looking weakling admitted to quote unquote “porn addiction”
  • Algebra – Age 14 – This little annoying runt, and this kid, chubby, lazy, and soft who looked like the kid on two and a half men (and i always instinctively disliked) were joking about the latter’s hours a day porn habit.
  • Gas Station – Age 18 – In SoCal I’m at a gas station near my grandma’s house to buy milk. In line in front of me were two slimy pale fuckers talking with the cashier about how they’re filming porn in the area. One was the cameraman, one a notable male in the industry. I thought to myself “jesus christ, they look like the sickly chronic masturbator stereotype of who watches their shit. They even sound pussy whipped.”

In all three instances I felt nothing but disgust.

When you think about it honestly and observe you see some things :

  • I started to see porn images when I was not watching and wanting to jerk off/edge.
  • There is a noticeable cuckold grooming effect. When you think about it, porn is watching another fuck someone you’d like to fuck. I’ve had too many young men “joke” about the prospect of me fucking their girl, guys that readily “joke” about how much porn they watch, to think anything different.
  • Some scenes are pure evil. Period.
  • Your vice is not even participating in a vice, your vice viewing porn is spectation of another’s vice (casual sex).
  • Honest appraisal often shows the girl to be broken, damaged beyond repair, someone you wouldn’t go near, nor touch with another’s dick, nor touch with a thirty nine and a half foot pole if you came across them in your day to day.
  • There’s some tom foolery going on with camera angles. They want you to find yourself inadaquete.
  • You get depressively thirsty.
  • I noticed I’d get pghlemy after watching.
  • When you’re honest with yourself you notice you feel like a bum having viewed.
  • Porn lowers your wavelength, your vibe, never lower your vibe. A high energy vibe is natural, it’s how you walk through the world properly, as intended by God.
  • It’s not real life. There are girls in the real world. You, as a man, must put yourself out there. Watching flashing pixels on a screen isn’t living in reality.
  • Watching porn correlates to feelings of a no future, hopeless, depression.

To quit you’ve gotta make it a descision, not a want to, not even a need, but a statement with clout “I’m done watching porn.”

Porn dampens your ability to be masculine, it hampers your masculine identity, and self improvement. Stopping allows you to grow without the poisonous vines creaping up with you and alongside you.

The more masculine you become, the less and less, you’ll be tempted by porn. Will the siren still call? Yeah, but you’ll look the tempter in the eyes, laugh at your inner weakling wanting to cave to it’s pretty little lies, and laugh knowing that YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THAT!

It’s inconceivable to me to ever watch porn again.

I’m a Man. Men don’t watch porn.

I’m confident enough to put this online stating that “I’m never watching porn again”. Self accountability, and public accountability too.

Here’s some stuff that helps me :

Weakness is bringing dishonor to your ancestors. I know Grandpa can see me, his spirit looking down at me, and thinking when I choose weakness “Gosh darn it J! You know better, you’re better than this.”

Everything you do…God knows.

Watching porn is weakness, and weakness is the most vile choice a Man can make. Men aren’t weak, males are. Weakness is a problem.

I grow a solid red beard. I prefer having a beard. In 2018 and 2019 if I watched porn I punished myself by shaving, and then again at least 24 hours after I turned off porn. I’m never shaving for porn again.

You’ve gotta be confident, and outgoing. You’re never gonna watch porn if you’ve recently taken a shot with an attractive female.  Chickening out from talking to that cute girl? That’s when you may go hide in your room screen flashing fake fucking in the the dark. Have confidence. Be outgoing. There is a girl out there, where you will be mutually attracted, making porn completely irrelevant.

On the flipside as a Man there are times where you’re gonna have to be comfortable being alone.

Brother, I pray you rid yourself of that vile shit. I’m rooting for you. Root for yourself, and draw your line in the sand.

Make it happen. Best would’ve been not to start, the next best is start now, for life, porn free.


Persistence & Tenacity


COVID Closed Your Gym? What Are You Gonna Do!

Covid closed my gym.

The grocery stores are sketchy right now as to what will and won’t be in stock.

What are you going to do?

I’ve had the following discussion with a coworker :

Which people are going to lose progress away from the gym?

Who’s going to shrivel up?

(I bet a lot of fitness youtube will, being that I view most as PED using weaklings who’ve never done something physically challenging in or out of the gym…and now without the requisite gym access to pump and preen.)

I noticed some were already dodging the gym before it closed.

On the flipside :

Who’s going to cut hard?

Who’s going to come out of this yoked up, more jacked than they’d been before?

“You’re lifting with a barbell in the yard aren’t you.”
“Yeah, probably the first time I’ve touched a barbell in the last 9 months aside from putting that barbell that was in a crate into the load last week”
“You’re the only person managing to lift weights more when the gym is closed.”

Without a gym I’m lifting weights everyday! I’m doing more barbell work in the rain than I’d get at my usual of planet fitness.

(pf is a good choice for empty parking lot video.)

Naturally I’m intermittent fasting, as I type (3/20/20 ~430pm) nearing a 24hr fast, looking forward to breaking it with takeout mexican food with my family.

(Takeout mexican with family, McDonald’s twice, a takeout pizza, yup that’s how scared of germs I am.)

I expect people to look at me at the gym in two weeks and go “damn J, without a gym you came back leaner AND more yoked!”

I thrive off of adversity!

Improv training is MY way!

The covid/corona virus doesn’t scare me. It’s more worrisome how people are responding to news of what is basically the flu.

Two, three weeks of this, I wonder how much belt sizes nationally will be lost.

I expect to be leaner, with more yoke, and more quads.

Persistence & Tenacity

Ecstacy, Shut In, PT – COVID 3/19/20

With everything closed down I’ve basically been at home for 48, 72 hours now.

I have a distaste towards discussing lowest common denominator things, yet still am writing on it. I could be doing a COVID gym related video(s) for the views, maybe I’ll still do so.

(Of course I want a 225lb press filmed in an empty parking lot.)

Life always provides topics. Here goes :

Though I’m watching a lot of YouTube, I’ve dodged covid related stuff.

Three guys I would watch usually, and haven’t, dodging the covid content.

•Wim Hof
•Wes Watson
•Savage Studios

Educated Guesses :

Wim – through the mind, and breathing you’ll be immune to this flu variant, able to beat it if you caught it

Wes – stay home, diet hard since the grocery store can be bonkers, do a shit ton of volume on the exercises available to you

Savage – title says it all, he’s saying to do burpees at home with the gym closed

Last night I got a good laugh from reading Operation Werewolf’s “It’s The Plague” to which I agreed.

The sickness cases, and deaths are and will stay statistically insignificant. I doubt I’ll know a single person affected physically.

The person I’ve seen most affected was that scared shut in old woman a few floors below our customer frantically calling and screaming into her phone about every cough or sneeze she heard.

(Our customer had a cough, and a mover sneezing because of dust off of a box isn’t uncommon.)

Hilariously my uncle likened covid’s affecting you in opposite of how one relates to Jesus…this was to the ghetto females at the hotel pool on the 16th. They probably thought him a Bible thumper. “Corona only affects you if you believe, like how Jesus only helps you if you believe.”

While everyone is freaked out over a sickness I feel phenomenal.

There’s food on the table, I’m doing my PT, and military pressing outdoors.

Despite what appears to be daily rain through the duration I’ll be pressing everyday.

PT as usual, ecstacy in the title from doing an extra 3:00 high horse stance hold.

2, 3 days of not leaving the house, looking at near three weeks of this, it reminds me of being depressed, shut in, with my thoughts. How did I waste so much time! I’ll be rip roaring to be outside, social, gym, and working when this has passed.

I’m not eating too much, but despite the pressing, and PT, it’s not a huge energy turnover.

You’ve got to tire yourself out, so that’s why I did the extra horse stance and an extra set of pushups.

I don’t like sitting around. Enough years of depression not social or physical enough makes me very averse to doing so. Yeah, it is what it is, past is past, and it did strengthen me…I’m looking to go put in work.

True work :

I like being outgoing, have noticed I have a positive effect on people, and know! Know, know. That I have knowledge, useful knowledge, on improvement, particularly physical training that can help a lot of people, that I have to get out there.

You know what hurts me?

Giving good actionable advice, particularly to the ones I love, and it being ignored.

It slightly saddens me when an acquaintance doesn’t take it, as 99% of the time I’m pulling for you.

And on the flipside, I felt amazing when that old man implemented my advice, learned to feel his lats, just like I couldn’t help but smile as I walked away knowing my joking about how this is all an irrational fear response visibly calmed down the teenage cashier a few days back.

Everywhere I go I’m making positive impressions, and that’s how I want it to be.

The gym? I’ve got big and strong actionable and teachable figured out. I feel the need to spread the knowledge, and desire seeing it put to use.

“A positive mind is gonna win every time.” – Wes Watson ; I’ve internalized a lot with his audio. Thank you.

Persistence & Tenacity

The Covid (Clean &) Press Release aka 24/7 My Ass Planet Fitness Is Closed – How I’m Working Around It

The Covid (Clean &) Press Release :

My planet fitness home club is closed for about two weeks.

(Yes, I even checked other locations.)

Based on their advertising and fitness youtube (not to mention everything else) you could see this coming.

Work is super slow. Luckily I took the weekend shifts. It’s not a $0/zero hours paycheck.

What’s going on is a mass panic attack. This corona shit is only supposed to be like the flu and slightly threatening to those with very weak immune systems, and yet certain items are being hoarded, bought out as quickly as they arrive, people are piss scared…for nothing.

Me? I’m annoyed that the gym is closed, about groceries being sketchy, but like always I make do.

Upon finding out pf is closed my initial thoughts were burpees in empty public spaces, and military pressing in the yard.

Day 1 : March 18 – Thus far I’ve done more barbell work than I’ve done in quite some time (first time this year) actually lifting in the yard instead of my calisthenics and machines as routine at pf.

I’m going to overhead press every day while the gym is closed. Likely in the yard every day, but a day pass could be on the table, and I’d like to get some video from a parking lot.

This is a bulgarian pressing run. I’m big and strong, corona may equal video of a 225lb press for me.

(I want borrow a friend’s pickup, bring the bar to an empty parking lot, and get an amusing video of the press complete with celebration probably dancing beforehand.)

And “worst” case scenario, if I don’t try to peak over the next couple weeks, high reps are a base. 10×10 or greater, progressively heavier, is a launching pad to press heavy off of again. I’ll probably be mixing the rep ranges some. I’ve long enjoyed sets of 15-30 on presses, imagine how strong you’d be hitting something in the 1rm range (~205lb) for a 30rm. This is possible with conscious effort on high reps.

Persistence & Tenacity

3/16/20 Hotel Pool

Before I get in the pool I do some pushups.

“He’s doing pushups.”
“On that army shit.”
“He’s muscular.”
(Ghetto female commentary.)

Like when I lived in Vegas I relearned how pools are a great place for isometrics.

In Vegas I did a deadlift simulation against the steps handle, today I did squat and press (overhead variation) in the pool. The cut/shape of a pool matters as to what you can do. Oddly I could’ve and didn’t do the old deadlift simulation isometric from 2015.

Isometrics are as abundant as your creativity. The options are without limits.

At 3′ deep I also tested jumping out of the pool. I was close to the requisite height to land the box jump, but with bruised shin from work didn’t attempt a landing. My tuck jump was so close, the box jump was on the table. Water is resistance, I can see why Alexeev would weightlift in a river.

Persistence & Tenacity

As A Monk : Vision Quest Ponderings

I think of doing this :

Somewhere foreign. I like the idea of a muay thai training “holiday”, but it’d be far cheaper and more lonesome to just go to some beach off the beaten path…and train.

Just some months, squat thrusts/burpees, and a camera.

I have no desire to go fuck asian girls wherever. This boggled the mind of a coworker when I told this some months back.

Just pennies on food, maybe naught but chicken, maybe keto, maybe including rice or ramen.

I don’t see america being the place for this, maybe if I’m out in the woods, a cabin. But probably asia, city or beach, whatever.

(I love the idea of this on the Cali beach though.)

Burpees and chicken, while vlogging.

Vision quest.

I’m not the only man thinking along these lines either, my uncle recently spoke to me of similar. This was in rough draft stage only a month or so prior. I told my coworker 6 or 8 months back.

Just massive calisthenic volume on a cutting diet for some months to change…vision quest.

Persistence & Tenacity

3/15/20 : Corona Fear – Journal, & Flow

The grocery store shelves are a third empty. Talking with staff there is no break down of supply lines, and the day before the place was so packed that they couldn’t close at usual time, they couldn’t get people out until an hour past closing.

Local schools are all cancelled, on average 3 weeks, though I’ve heard ranges from 2-6.

Talking with coworkers, grocery store customers and staff… every two years we’re gonna die from something, in a few weeks everyone will realize we’re all still alive. The cashier figured once she’s back in school everyone will be back to normal. She seemed visibly less worried/stressed after our conversation.

Be oblivious to the news.

Most of reality is in our head. The only people going to have issue are those worrying, stressing, and obsessing over the it’s current year’s fear mongering.

Today? (15th) I worried so much about the corona flu that I ate McDonalds prepared by a bunch of 5′ latinas unable to speak english in an area that likely has cases.

I did chin ups, machine preacher curls, and navy seal burpees at the gym today.

Over the weekend I worked about 20 hours total.

Walmart was also fairly sold out.

I’m enjoying the chins and navy seals. It’s simple as all hell. So effective, burpees for a week or two has already made a difference in the appearance of my midsection. Most won’t go this simple and straight forward though…cause burpees are challenging. How far am I going to go on a chin up and burpee regimen?

3/14/20 Journal & Flow


Up at 4am, well before alarm.

In the dream I awoke from, at the very last minute I joined my high school football team, senior year, state championship, 4th quarter, seconds left, goal line, at my current size (265) playing right defensive end. I smashed the running back causing a fumble, picked it up, and returned it for a 97yd touchdown, winning the state championship.

Work 13¼ hours.

Bringing boxes up stairs via a chain is slightly quicker, but much more tiring than everyone on the crew simply grabbing a box(es) in the truck, walking three flights of stairs, then down a stretch of hallway into the apartment.

That way no one is stuck in a spot without airflow, no one is only going up/down stairs while others get to walk flat hallway, it allows more even levels of suck/leisure for the entire crew.

Back in May 2019 we delivered what was nearly an entire truck of book boxes to a lesbian couples attic in a big ass old house in the junkie od part of town. It sucked, was just as many hours up flights of stairs and hallways as today, but that day we all were going truck to attic. I prefer that way, mentally and physically I find it less draining and more fair overall.

I told the crew lead (from the other shop), “Hey, have you heard of W.S. Movers & Co”, “No, I’ve never come across them”, “it’s we smash movers and company, we’re not them”, the wind had caused a picture frame to fall earlier, he was about to apologise to the customer, he laughed. It’s a canned line for me now. I said it originally to the managers son back in the summer.

A coworker was debating an attempt at box jumping into the box, and didn’t. I pushed a couple ottomans to the left, looked to the pad stack on my right, and took a shot at it (the asphalt was weird, I jumped from a spot maybe 2″ higher than flat, and a bit further from the truck than I should have) I got in…sorta, my left boot caught, forcing me to land on one foot and one shin. A little cut and a bruise. Sorta a waist height box jump in work boots.

We had an old woman angrily tell us to get back to work…not the customer, just a nosy neighbor. The crew lead was telling her ever so politely “ma’am, we’ve delivered 1½ trucks out of 3. I’ve giving my guys a rest”, she didn’t like that, telling us ever so (un)kindly “well you have a shit ton left, get back to work”. I laughed very loudly, to which after that coworkers kept telling me she was angrily staring at me whenever I happened to be down at the truck.
The whole thing made me feel kinda bad, we all laughed and talked about it where she could hear us. Probably a sad existence, she seemed like a shut in. Her apartment seemed dark, the only visible light a television, and the only thing to do yell at the men at work nearby. She actually yelled at us in front of our customer (also an old woman) about 5 minutes before we left, “what did she say”, “ma’am, she was telling us how she doesn’t like our work ethic”.

Hydration makes everything easier physically.

It may not be sore from stimulus, but dehydrated.

When you’re low on hydration, and have spent a good deal of energy, you can get muscular pumps when you start sipping water and eating food.

Cramps around the rib cage I find to be a sign of growth.

Burpees change the body super quickly.

Arnold/Orowheat (depends on your coast) oatnut bread, butter, American cheese, and salami…a solid sandwich.

Have a planet fitness black card? Why not go to as many locations as possible.

At a gas station, $2.50 for a Powerade…or down a half gallon of whole milk. A coworker gave me props for the rationale. Milk gives you much more.

Training high volume on what you can’t do high reps with (ie chins), and doing meaningful sets of 50-100+ reps on what you can (hint hint machines) you can’t help but be large.

Say it aloud. Worst case is they just don’t go for it. Often they will, and to your benefit.

What you do physically in youth stays with you. I have pushups initially from karate age 7, roundhouse kicks from the same (and the ability to trip out half japanese chicks and whites fluent in japanese by counting in japanese from yet again karate age 7).

How you are being dehydrated and carrying box after box up a stuffy aired hot stairwell is far harder physically than what you do for leisure activity at the gym.

Saying yes to opportunity… obviously gives you the benefits of said opportunity. I’m getting I’d say over 16 hours this weekend by having said yes to this morning and then “yeah I’ll work” about possibly being an extra hand tommorow.
(Winter moving hours are usually slow.)

Laying on a towel under a ceiling fan is the way to dry off.

Writing is an incredibly enjoyable habit.

Putting a barbell in a storage unit, clean & press, deadlifts, bent row, and burpees could be where you train your first clients.

Conception is likely challenging when both guy and girl are using the usual suspects of bodybuilding drugs. I was reminded of this today.

There is opportunity!

High energy, and positivity!

The news is meant to create fear in your heart. I’m predicting this “corona virus” to be the false soapbox huffing of blowhard windbags. The creation of fear is a reason I don’t watch news, I can see how the television affects your thinking.

Every time at work when hearing a cough I’d do a bad asian accent and say corona in a questioning tone. Coworkers joined in, making three races in on the joke.

I used to run to this junior year wrestling.

At 265 I may be too heavy, 235 may be my sweat spot overall, jumping is most powerful at 255+, my heaviest has been low 270s. I could eat and train to 300lbs. At 205-215 I have crazy wind, and walk around animalisticly. My coworker asked me how I think I’d be at 180. My answer? I’d be a wiry rangy near sickly looking hyper aggressive dangerously strong and crazy enduring individual. Smaller sizes can be the most primal.

And there’s zero reason to be looking at chicks instagrams, porn, etc. Why waste time thirsty over digital images? Go get some or not as necessary. Zero thirst.

A modified warrior pose, all statics, are solid fall back leg work.

As far as grain, I’ve found corn cereals to be just about the best source of carbs. 11pm, still up, eating corn pops with cream instead of milk, testosterone producing saturated animal fat over an easily digested carb.

There’s something in 100% apple and grape juice I find revitalizing.

Tire yourself out daily. You need the high energy drain. You’re better for it. Better in every way.

As masculine as possible. In every way.

This is how you enjoy your day, and sleep deep.

Persistence & Tenacity

Flow : On The Concept Of Muscle Naps

Archives : February 2020

If at all possible I like eating a high calorie meal and then going back to bed.

Work was cancelled due to weather. I’d done massive gym volume the day before, and decided I’d wait out the storm by eating a big breakfast and at least attempting to go back to sleep.

Sumo wrestlers, the largest group of physically able bodied men, do this.

Sleep is the factory, nutrition the laborers. Sleep is when nutrition shows up to work.

A big breakfast on a “day off” followed by extra sleep speeds up recovery in every sense of the word. While good sleeping is a useful sorcery as to your ability to grow.

Being A Genetic Freak : Giving The Crowd What It Wants

“Are you just one of those guys that is just freakishly strong?”

“Were you always like that.”
(Referring to being big)

To some degree I think I was going to grow up big and strong regardless. I’d say forcefeeding and years of training made it so I’m over 215-235lbs, we do have a natural fighting bodyweight, that we can even outgrow through training and eating (not steroids/gear motherfucker, if I was on gear I’d be 50lbs heavier and leaner, I just weight trained and ate up past my natural fighting weight).

I just find it easier to give the crowd what it wants, tell them I’m a genetic freak, and then wait.
By waiting you learn about the other. Are they the kind who truly believes in genetic freaks, or do they believe in human potential?

I believe all people have the capability to be physically robust.

“Genetic freak” isn’t as large a factor as weaklings online like to screech while attempting to cuddle their tears away as they lay awake at night.

When they’ve an open mind, and give props for the work I’ve put in, acknowledging I’m not just some freak of the genetic lottery, and start asking questions on bulking then I’ll go into story time about force feeding from 225 to 253 at 17 years old, and give good advice on how to eat more, and how easy it is to drink your nutritious calories.

It’s a shame when advice isn’t taken, it’s lovely when the advice is listened to attentively and acted upon.

(Often it’s every demographic but young men who act on the advice. A 70 year old man recently asked me a question and implemented my advice immediately. I enjoyed that, refreshing to have given implemented advice, and to make it even cooler a few days later he told me he passed the advice along.)