Squat Or Deadlift : On Leverages

Squat Or Deadlift?

We all have our proportions.

The body’s proportions dictate our natural leverages.

It’s a spectrum from being built to pull or built to press.

While they’re not the exact same stimulus the squat and deadlift have similar enough training effects.

If you’re on the natural built presser or natural built puller ends of the spectrum one lift or the other is going to be far less demanding on your systematic recovery.

You can easily specialize on this, without much soreness, as high frequency training and big numbers come naturally.

Which will muscle you up more?

This is arguable. One allows more frequent stimulus, a hypertrophy plus. The other works the body harder, a hypertrophy plus.

If you’re going to do high frequency the one you’re built for isn’t a thing. This is natural bulgarian. The one you’re not designed by God’s hand for is best done at moderate weights if you’re going high frequency.

I’ve come to see that you don’t need both lifts. Full body training and one will carry the other.

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