Youtube I Like : Shifu Yan Lei

From the archive :
1/17/19 : A Gymless Period

I’ve always been into the simple & esoteric, been big into training streamlined, the kind you can do anytime, anywhere.

My first purposeful exercise was karate. Possibly gojo ryu, I’m uncertain, I know it wasn’t kyokushin, nor shotokan which I did later.

Needless to say it makes sense that the training “style” espoused on the Shifu’s channel groks with me.

Do some pushups and squats. The exact variant is irrelevant. Throw some strikes, do your best at them. Get the small muscles of the upper back and shoulders firing, then drop into a horse stance. If you can, stomp (depends on where you are, it’s preferable to not do indoors), and then stretch.

Go at it “hard” yet playful, for exercise is too pure to be wholly rigid and schoolmarm methodical (there’s a post there).

This style of training won’t make you a bodybuilder, but it’ll give you a good build. When this was my primary I dropped to a leaner 210 or so, and carried myself with an animalistic vibe.

Go outside, this style of training can be as simple as 15 minutes of fresh air PT.

Persistence & Tenacity