Want It To Work? Decide It Will Work.

From The Archives :

Through most of my training years whenever I had access to weights I almost always stuck to high training frequency. 5 lifts a week at a minimum.

I believed frequency works, and didn’t mentally buy into low frequency possibly giving results.

I’ve now seen that all frequencies will work…as long as you mentally buy in.

I couldn’t possibly advocate for anyone to train in a manner that they don’t buy into.

The mental buy in allows anything and everything to work, though just as long as you’ve bought into it.

Belief pulls rank on science and bro science. It outranks everything, even past results, and past held beliefs.

Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Don’t do anything you’re not bought into.

If you’ve decided you’re going to squat everyday for the next 12 (or more) weeks, believe in the system, and do so…it’ll bring results.

If you’ve decided that you have the best genetics, ergo everything works, and you decide to only train occasionally as the mood strikes…it’ll bring results.

The craziest results you’ve ever had, or have witnessed others have, were laid atop a solid foundation of belief. The results came from buying into the method.

I like to bag on those who train in methods of the least personal creativity, and highest blandness, but hey, when they’ve bought into the boring…it too works.

For example : I watched my lifting partner have true belief in bigger by the day, to the point Rich Piana was personally surprised how well it worked for him when they spoke at an expo.

It’ll all be good. Just believe…buy in.

Those idiotic training methods? They’re not with a buy in.

The buy in makes whatever you choose to do the oft searched for perfect method.

(This perfect program could even be no program.)

Persistence & Tenacity