Look around you, you can tell a lot by how a person stands, walks.
It’s a simple hack really, and pays dividends when habit…
Carry yourself with the posture of a winner.
I advise everyone to take a moment to stand in victory pose every day.
(Victory pose, abundance posture, I’ve seen it referred to as multiple names. Pick one, and do it. If you need a mental image a variation could be called the Randy Orton, another called The Rocky.)
At 19 I majorly changed my life, by changing my outlook, by building my outgoingness, by building my posture.
At first I was self conscious standing in victory pose. I started indoors. Once that felt more natural I’d do some in the yard where neighbors could see. Soon after I’d do them between sets in the gym.
(Soon after I went from very shy, broken really, back to my natural childhood outgoingness.)
It can look like the “come at me bro”, which has an old funny gym memory to go along with it. That was a noticable leveling up in my self confidence visible to both my surprised buddy, and the intrigued blonde I was talking to.
Our posture as a society is terrible.
Weird seating in cars, desk, the forward neck posture epidemic correlated to electronic usage, et al.
I’ve started to place more value in yoga, in stretching.
Interlace your fingers and reach for the sky. The lengthening of the spine is euphoric.
Every day, even if it’s only in front of your bathroom mirror, stand in a victory pose. That’s where I started. And it progressed positively from there.
I’ve made a point to do “The Rocky” each day for a while now.
While doing so observe yourself, and tell yourself of your greatness.
You’ll find it taking hold in your life more and more. It’s truth.
You’re you. You’re the only you you’ll ever be. May as well be the greatest.
It can all start with an improvement in posture.
Persistence & Tenacity