The majority of gains is mental.
Therefore a good deal of gains is a lack of bad mental stress, just as positive thoughts play huge roles.
The mind is key, so much so that it’s nearly unbelievable.
Your mental space, what you tell yourself, and what you hold to be true are far more anabolic than any diet scheme, training program, or even anabolic steroid.
Stressing a lack of gains causes a negative feedback loop where you don’t make gains. That’s the problem for 99% online and at gyms identifying as lifters. They’re stressing shit that they don’t need to be stressing. Book knowledge will tell them to, reality is they don’t need to be one bit.
Take gains for a given. In the opposite way, positive feedback loop, and it’s so.
You can think your way to every helpful, healthy, positive chemical release…from a dopamine dump to testosterone production into overdrive.
Don’t underestimate thinking well!
You’ll get this concept when you get it. Work takes as long as it takes, your preparation period is/was as long as it need be.
Feed yourself thoughts of what you can do, where you are, with what you have.
I’m strong as fuck, and as far as equipment I don’t need nothing.
I don’t need a barbell, I’ve got a dip bar, and a piece of wall to kick over against. And I don’t need even that.
Zero equipment, I’ll make more gains than everyone.
Any equipment more than zero is just extra credit opportunity.
The gains lay in your head. It’s never been any different.
Think well.
Gains are ripe for the taking.
Persistence & Tenacity