The Gym’s True Purpose :

The purpose of the gym rightly is not physical.

It is not in looks.
It is not in physical strength.

The purpose of the gym rightly is metaphysical.

It is in the striving.
It IS the ever purposeful striving.

The truth of the gym is in the mental of the self betterment.

It is not in the physical of the self betterment.

You could work your body.

There is 1,000 times more value in working your soul.

As a Man it’s not about looking pretty, or being physically strong.

It is in the mental of self improvement – the opportunity to slack off and training with passion anyway, the passing on of knowledge gained through sweat equity, the defiance in your eyes at society, swearing to never be just a television watching physical and mental trainwreck, in getting on the floor day after day and doing your pushups because…

YOU KNOW you have value as a Man…

To Yours. To Self. To God.
You a Man.

The gym?
It is physical, yes.

That’s the lower plane, the unenlightened place…

The gym participated in rightly is a journey of the Soul.
