Summer 2012 : Reflecting On Vitality & Depression

You can feel your level of vitality.

Intuitively you know.

You sense you should be outside, shirtless, and active, yet due to habitual inactivity stay inside.

That only makes it worse.

When what you “want” to do is part of the problem, you have to override that “forcing” yourself to take positive action, and start moving up.

Staying up at night and sleeping during the day factors in.

How you eat factors in.

The television and video games impressively keep many a boy inside.

My buddy used to shoot hoops for hours daily. His family moved maybe a mile further from that community center, he’d been playing video games for a few years at that point, and just stopped going to the community center.

Visiting at 18 (it’s Cali) I ended up falling into the same pattern, also ending up depressed as hell.

It’s experiences like that, sitting inside all summer at an xbox, instead of being at the beach, basketball court, pool, gym daily that blow my mind looking back.

I was a teenager, barely an adult, in SoCal during the summer, but essentially hibernating indoors!

Sleeping till 2pm? ✓
Not eating right? ✓
Not enough physical activity? ✓
Not enough vitamin d? ✓
Video games out the ass? ✓

It’s a whole lot of checks. Thinking about it, the only girls I talked to were his sister and her social circle.

(And one staff member at an amusement park who was throwing herself at me.)

Everything lifestyle that summer was fucked up.

Super low, in depression, I wasn’t living!


Cause through the action of inaction, my energy was shit.

Looking back, I can honestly say you only feel depression when you are not active and busy enough.

That summer wasn’t maximized since I chose to live a fucked up day, playing gta all night instead of sleeping. Sleeping during the day instead of being out of the house.

You gain a lot of internal power when you have the honesty and courage to admit your life, your day, is all on you.

Maybe you wasted time.
You don’t have to anymore!

You choose life, or death, every second with every action.

Every breath, life!

Persistence & Tenacity