Physically “Robust” As Mental Default

Physically “Robust” As Mental Default :

From The Archives :

I’m going to let you in on the training secret. Ready? Come closer, what with only 10 YouTube subscribers and low website traffic this is only a whisper…

Here it is…

As your mental default choose to be physically robust.

Fine. Done.

Long Version :

The mind is far more powerful than anyone believes.

I’ve stayed injury free, rarely getting hurt, and not feeling physical fatigue nor soreness to much if any degree like most seem to.

I mentally was a physical workhorse from the start. Add in disgust at my own perceived weakness, a few sports, and thousands of hours training, mostly alone. It forged an unbreakable physicality.

I gave myself the best genetics.

I had tits at 13. I’m now the largest athletic guy around just about everywhere I go.

My uncle made an interesting statement to me ~4-5 months back. “You scare them because you are the strongest one there who hasn’t used anything. Just like you know they’ve used, they know you haven’t, and the gap is far closer than they’d like it to be considering.”

The truth of that recently really hit me.

From Cali through present my body has been crazy high responsive to any and all stimuli.

Why? Isolate the cause.

Because just like how I made myself impossible to injure mentally (I refused to even acknowledge or consider the possibility of such nonsense), I evolved a new part of my mindset towards physicality…

“I’m physically robust naturally.”
(IE to be physically robust is default, and my mental belief.)


I have the best genetics.


I’ve been THINKING myself robust.

This is another concept I recently internalized. The concept introduced to me years ago from a Heinlein sci fi book of all things.

(Stranger In A Strange Land – how the main character transforms himself radically eating a bit and occasionally swimming. How did he do it…”I thought it so”.)

Friend, when you heed my words, it’ll give you the athletic body of your wildest dreams.

You will do well…however, whatever, any which way.

The gym won’t matter.
Equipment will be inconsequential.
Diet? Inconsequential as well.
Training frequency, more, less, tons, some, any, none? All good.

I don’t expect you to believe me. I suggest that you see for yourself.

Belief is the most powerful thing we as humans can access and control.

No matter what I do I am physically robust.

I’m the strongest I’ve ever been.
My pants keep getting looser.
I don’t go to a gym, and I haven’t done any weights heavier than an empty bar in over two weeks.

My standard for a while has been roughly 30 pushups every evening, and balancing for a bit eyes closed on each leg. Of course as I’m doing my reverse curl challenge I average 50-65 reps of the empty bar daily for the time being.

I most often do 2 or 3 pullups daily, and occasionally hit a set of neck harness, wall sits, gripper, or hand opening.

Shoveling (hey, it’s winter) is my largest overall source of physical stimuli at present.

I’m looking and feeling more naturally athletic than meathead, though I doubt bodyweight has changed much, if any.

The problem many take to the gym with them is a belief in their own weakness, and thinking they can’t or would have to struggle to change it.

It’s a cruel facade. While reality is that there nothing more natural than to be robust, vigorous, strong, enduring, and full of vitality.

That is true unADULTered default.

Persistence & Tenacity

4 thoughts on “Physically “Robust” As Mental Default”

  1. You’re videos reflect your athleticism!, you move quickly and loosely like an athlete. That’s how I like to train moving explosively and with speed!!

    1. Thanks, I’ve always trained for remaining athletic, all around, and hell yeah.

      It strikes me you’d probably get value from Johnny Grube at

      He’s big into little/improvised equipment, huge work capacity, and all out brief daily workouts.

      1. I’ve been reading him for years and have most of his products!! He’s mostly ranting about the state of the world now. Read his Erzine articles attached to the website. They’re really good!!

        1. Small world.

          I read just about all of his old material when I found him in 2013 or 2014 via Glen MacCharles by way of chaos and pain.

          What I got from him was “train anytime anywhere with anything”, while MacCharles stressed much the same plus pushing into super high reps.

          His material was one of the things that got me to start viewing the gym as the icing on the cake, not the main thing.

          My pushing wall sits was directly inspired by his doing so a few years back.

          I believe he’s right about step ups being superior to squats for everyday life.

          He and Bugenhagen caused me to go here back in 2018 :

          While gymless I have done step up sessions a few times. They’re great in the fresh winter air.

          I’m not so anti lifting. I’m just not into it at present – going calisthenics instead.

          Re : the ranting – for peace of my own mind I categorized him under “news” alongside other websites I used to read, and haven’t checked any new content on for 6+ months.

          The “news” is too negative. I prefer to use my own senses during my own day.

          Still though, even no longer following someone, I’ve always given shout outs to what influenced me, and whom I know to put out good info.

          Tonnage. I’ve thrived from tonnage.

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