Perspective – “The Gym Is Leisure Activity” :

The gym is leisure activity.

I have no pity for those who act like it’s impossible to be big, strong, and in shape.

The people of western countries have forgotten history.

The roman legions marched 20 miles daily, if they were past the gates of empire this was not roman cobblestone road either, and still they built a fortified encampment every night.

Maybe some homeless cover those miles, roaming around the earth like a fiend, maybe some laborers do.

But no one outside of starving dirt poor laborers in parts of the third world have ancient history levels of activity.

People rowed triremes! In the grecian era what was commonly done is deemed damn near physically impossible taking from any group of modern humans.

As a teenager I watched a short documentary on the british army’s selection of sherpa recruits.

It struck me that they were running good 5k times uphill with a pack (rock filled traditional carrying thing).

We act like 5k on the flat sucks.
They were running it at a fast pace uphill with packs at altitude!

Be physical all life in altitude amongst a laboring people and it’s gonna be all out and impressive in that army selection.

If you just think, you’ll realize that no matter what you enforce on yourself as your training… people were sent to the mines of libya to die in roman times.

libyan mines – where the slaves of rome were worked to death.

They were sent there and worked to death!

What you do to yourself at a gym in the first world isn’t hard.

The gym is leisure activity.