Partial And Pin Front Squats

I’d been saying I need to add in partial front squats and at 2am still up, I decide “fuck it I’ll be productive”, my normal write or lift if I can’t sleep policy going into effect.

On the commute I saw a women jogging, everytime I go lift a 0 dark 30 I see at least one jogger on the streets a couple minutes out from the gym. I roll into the gym somewhere between 230am and 245am.

Squat every day, today will be…more front squats, but let’s make it interesting.

Bottom position from pins.

Work up to 275, let’s film it.

Cool, upload, then run to the bathroom and shit my brains out. The fuck was that about?

Ok next…

Front squat partials from the top.

Singles using the heavy duty squat bar.

(Note: 1p = 1 plate a side, 2p= 2 plates a side, so on and so forth.)

1p,2p, 3p, “what’s the bar weigh?”

Go and check…

The bar weighs 65lbs, ok so I add 20lbs to the calculation of each rep.

4p, damn that was easy!

5p, shit! It was so easy I thought I’d done 4p again by mistake, the difference in effort being barely moderate. Think along the lines of 30% of expected change in perceived effort.

Not really thinking I jump to 6p, as I load the 2nd side I think “should I’ve loaded only 25s?” Nah, no matter as 5p was easy and I’m not moving it very far.

Nipple to lock out is what 6 maybe 8 inches? This is a quarter squat at most, it’s LOCKOUT work.

partial squat,pin squat,
One side of a 605lb barbell.

Get under it, drive…

“Holy shit the world is going red!” I start to feel myself shake, my neck is trembling. “Will I pass out?” It feels like my eyes will pop out, my head feels like it’s going to go BLAM! and explode in bad 80s special effects. Will the gym security camera see my head go Scanners because of the bar? Locked it out. Control it back to pins, get out “WHOO!”

Move with purpose, yet look and act like a dog with a nose full of pepper, “Will I pass out, am I going down”, sit,dog mode,sit,dog mode, I think I’m ok now.

~315-335  1rm full range = 605 maybe 1/4 squat from pins.

I got crazy instant soreness from it. My right calf locked up, both hamstrings became incredibly tight, and there was uncomfort in my right knee like I’d walked 10 hours in work boots.

This work will either kill you or diesel you up. I don’t get injured, so it’s  obviously the latter.

Those CnP videos became a hell of a lot more impressive, as did powerlifting in general. The pressure on giant squats must be enormous.

Early AM weird weightlifting BOOYAH! And the test boost is phenomenal, soreness gone only hours later WHOO!
