Overload Training : Partials, Holds, And Testosterone Production

Overload training whether it’s partial reps, holds, cheat reps, or an isometric are great. (These things can be combined.)

Nothing beats them for kicking up anabolism in your body.

Do some then wait until that night, you’ll be horny as fuck.

For this reason (the test boosting effects) alone you should be getting right on these overload protocols.

Every time I do them I’m pleasantly surprised both by the soreness I have when I awaken and the horniness gained.

Overload then don’t get off that night. You’ll go slightly bonkers and precede to have dreams full of glorious sex and violence.

Not to mention you’ll feel solid, like your body was forged from one piece of steel, and that when you do full range work within roughly the next day that will feel light as your body was prepped to support way more.

As you should be training full body and with high frequency doing an overload variation every 2-3 days is a solid guideline. Starting out? Once a week. Feel like experimenting? Go crazy. But every 2-3 days is a solid metric to get the best of both full range and overload work.
