On Milk & Lactose Intolerance

“Yeah man, I didn’t change anything. Being lactose intolerant I’m hesitant to use heavy cream.”

It dawned on me later, lactose is a sugar, a carb, therefore making cream, which is entirely fat good to go for lactose intolerant, and besides if you honestly research into it basically all of european descent aren’t, I repeat, are not lactose intolerant.

It’s been my observation that more humans than not, across race and ethnicity, are good to go with dairy products.

Cream and it’s variants pretty much good to go without exception to the “lactose intolerant”. They generally are fine eating ice cream for example.

Lactose intolerance is mostly a sham, bought into as an excuse, and because the media speaks of it.

So often you’ll hear how humans are the only animal to drink another animal’s milk, and to continue drinking milk after being weaned from their mother’s milk…but tell that to any housecat you set a bowl of cow’s milk out for, old time cat food, before the kibble industry. They love a saucer of milk, it’s like a cats greatest joy aside from presenting their master with an offering of small dead bird or mouse with a meow of “look at what I offer you, kindly scratch my jaw and partake for I have come back from the hunt with meat, of which I offer in gratitude to he who allows me to sleep indoors”.

(On the note of pet food industry dogs love meat given to them. And it’d be hilarious to fry up the meat offered up by one’s cat, I’ve never seen anyone do this, I expect it would cement into place a Call Of The Wild – Buck/John Thornton type relationship.)

I see so many claim lactose intolerance. Yet, it’s a sham, all in their head. They’ll somehow conveniently eat ice cream, but rob themselves of most dairy, and dairy is one of the most anabolic food groups.