May 7, 2024 – “Late Night Reading On Kettlebells Ticked Me Off” :

x5, x5, x5

these were all just after midnight, all done super strict – a tad slow on the negatives – letting all the muscles fire, as EVERYTHING is activated from yesterday’s three kettlebell sessions (the last at around 9pm)

at this point I wish I could be doing ONLY WEIGHTED pushups – I know there’s some plate loaded vest with a japanese sounding name – I’m not willing to pay a few hundred dollars and would prefer to load the heck out of pushups on a less creaky floor (lol)

I picture a 100lb and 45lb plate on my back, though I’m not sure how I’d self load it successfully

still, kettlebell activated everything, SOMETIMES you do your pushups real strict, and know this – IF YOU CAN do weighted pushups they’re one of those “gorilla strong” things

being able to do that likely means you’ve done a lot of reps over time and put on a lot of muscle to do it


Rant Time!

It’s funny all the things a forum will say a kettlebell “can’t” do (and this applies to everything else too).

“Kettlebells aren’t good for chest and biceps”
Not my experience re biceps, if anything they’re absolutely nuts for both lats and biceps – both in strength and development/size – hence they carry/maintain or improve pullups, and these fifteen months, and the deeper and further I go with kettlebells the more arms I have.

“You need to swing with a straight arm”
I prefer how a rightly weighted swing, whether two hands or one, feels with a slight bend in the elbow – feels better this way to me (particularly re bicep tendon), though I could see this going the other way as well meaning it’s an individual preference DO WHICH IS BETTER (safer) FOR YOU

All the bottoms up pressing has likely given me the best triceps of my life.

For the zillion who say the kettlebell isn’t great for hypertrophy…I’m really thinking they haven’t brought six months of intensity and honest fuckarounditis effort to it.

That’s right NO PROGRAM TO BOOT!

Everything looks more and more dense on me.

Were I roughly 100lbs lighter, time traveled back to 15yo again, which the knowledge I have now $250 (probably less as it’d be ~2009) in birthday present money would be going to an adjustable kettlebell (every other penny into bitcoin – man did I blow that by not figuring out how to buy some of it)…I’d expect doing what I’m doing now to bring me up to a well muscled 235lbs or so (which is basically what I’m expecting this to do right now in the opposite direction of 285 to 235)


Early AM – I’m wired, maybe not drinking coffee with the eggs and meat meals is how it “should” be.

But, so long as I have a little of some form of meat with the eggs I’m pretty content to eat 6+ eggs twice a day, and at walmart prices 18ct is under $4, meat added to the fried eggs is only another buck or two, three tops really.

$50/week fat loss diet.
Since I’m not eating so much – movement seems to come more naturally – I don’t want to sit inside ever, heck – I’d rather sleep in a tent.

Could I find some cheap land somewhere and live there with a tent and rented portapotty – preferably wooded, film THERE…

Not just kettlebells, but going for a 300lb barbell clean & press (I think I’ve a good shot of getting there soon ish)


I went just over two weeks without watching porn.

It’s bullshit that I don’t stay disciplined here.
I’m going to restart the beard again – I truly prefer being able to say “I’ve grown my beard while porn free”.

So in the next couple days I’ll shave clean again THEN regrow some form of beard (probably long, maybe short and trim)

Relatedly I enjoy the act of shaving my head, with a razor colloquially known as “bic’ing” or “bic’d” and much prefer how sharp that looks to the balding thing that’s been going on since I was 19,20,21.


•instant coffee

I may do a 24hr fast, it’s at about twenty hours as I type – too much caffeine yesterday, but forgot that I’d skip today, and had a small spoonful in a glass of water before reading awhile, that before the day’s
soccer ball, walk, kettlebell press.

Took a poop first, keto and caffeine poops – cleaner, smaller, a more pleasant experience.

15:00 soccer ball
10:00 walk

decided to drink a glass of cold water instead of another small cup of instant coffee then read for a while before a simple off camera kettlebell workout


If squirrels are omnivore as I found out the other day – that means they store nuts and seeds like humans have grain throughout history.

They’ll eat meat, but nuts keep them through the winter…

This means I could argue that if humanity was to go extinct squirrels could possibly develop agriculture, ranching, civilization taking over humanity’s role in the world eventually.

Simpsons big brained pets pic (ehh, couldn’t find it – if you can picture the reference you can picture the reference)


Almost 24hrs between meals.

•sausage links – a dozen or so
•eggs – nine

no tabasco sauce, no ketchup (again I’m challenging myself to have zero carbs yesterday/today/tomorrow), just the meat and eggs, cold water to drink, that cup of cold water instant coffee earlier.

It’s funny – I don’t much like eggs.
Fried eggs are about the only appetizing preparation to me, and really it’s the meat with the eggs that gives me enjoyment of the dish…
(I really like the meal heavy on the sausage links – and look at that, I’m still a little kid at denny’s)

It’s GREAT nutrition, the most affordable protein source other than milk (and honey roasted peanuts).

It’s only tuesday and I find myself thinking A LOT about the weekend’s carbs.

Hilariously so.

But it seems pretty clean – the idea of donuts is leaning towards the slices of buttered toast I didn’t have with eggs for dinner.

I might try a diet soda, I’ve almost never drank them, but soda maybe skipped entirely for just a bit of oj and (obviously) some milk
(I’ve surprised myself by not having any these two days now)

The past few days I’ve enjoyed instant coffee far more than I ever have, maybe no iced coffee cheat come weekend.

It’s too early to see mirror and scale differences, but I’m genuinely excited…and know it’ll work.

The 32kg adjustable kettlebell just gave me a whole lot more as well.

Suddenly with 24kg I like one arm swings.
Mentally I’m more willing to do an extra session of them than 40kg two hand swings, and it’s that volume that adds up and already has me feeling very solid.

My kettlebell workouts are essentially random, I win cause I do them daily and often multiple times daily.

Today’s was silly brief.
Yesterday I did an extra swing workout after dark.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow we’ll find out as it happens/as I’m doing them.

In this moment I’m surprisingly sore of trap/sterno tie in.

Who knew getting built was answered by a kettlebell habit as the chisel that every other training tool and force feeding built.

I actually see myself going much harder into grip stuff, the walks progressing to a run naturally over time, the pullups ignored but carried by ever improving kettlebell work.


x5, x8

Persistence & Tenacity