May 6, 2024 – “On Three Workouts A Day”

Kettlebell Swings & Deep Knee Bends
mixing the influences of 🏋️ & 🤼…

Set an interval timer.

Start silly easy, probably two reps per thirty second interval – alternating exercises each interval – kettlebell swings and deep knee bends.

Build up over time.
You’re a unit.


It’d be fun to do a few heavier swings, kick the soccer ball for distance, then run after it – repeat.


•six eggs
•rotisserie chicken (a small amount)
•instant coffee

fried up together, zero carbs – coffee on a whim


1h Swings 24kg
BUP 32kg
x1,1,2,4 fail 5 right
1h Swings 24kg
200m, barefoot, on grass

video of it


just over five minutes soccer ball, 23ct today’s best, lots of 12-14ct, lots of foot to foot, and using the left foot’s laces far more – felt this session was showing good improvement.

twenty five minute walk

five minutes more soccer ball


Press 24kg/side
x12, x13, x7,
64 presses total
soccer ball between/after all sets

•eight eggs
•seven sausage links
•tabasco sauce
•instant coffee

While I was out for the day’s walk I reflected that I had no craving for carbs, had rather enjoyed the earlier meal – decided to go no carb for three days (monday through wednesday), then hours later having had a good day of physicality – I made essentially the same meal over.

Zero carb day.
We’ll see how all the instant coffee affects me.

On the second workout note ; man, the adjustable kettlebell is an awesome tool to have – you can really build the massive volume and high reps base with it, the 24kg setting a nice one arm swing training weight, a nice weight for one arm press extra workouts, etc – and the ability in minutes to juggle light (I haven’t done any with it yet) to go up to 32kg for stuff that needs it.

I almost want to buy a matching bell and go a little nuts with every third workout or so being high volume double bell, but really – I don’t need it at the moment, and I genuinely think my next bell purchase would be something seriously heavy (not 48kg, 48 is light – I’m thinking like 60kg minimum, maybe heavier)



1h Swings 24kg
20×7 e:45o:45
140 total swings

dinner’s caffeine was in me, the carnivore – the walks – the caffeine ; it’s all aimed for fat loss…

after dark, great sweat going – now, after fifteen months, now ; with the right weight bell…I’m into swings…and that’s a good thing.

Watch the body transformation over the next few months…


And everyone should be working out three times a day!

The hardest aspect of the kettlebell swing really is the wind in the moment, and that can be moderated out by setting an interval timer just a tad slower than hard.

The movement is spread over everything, everything is working efficiently – you’ll see trap, lat, forearm, bicep, ab, glute, hamstring, and quad gains.

Full Body!

And by going moderate ; in weight, in volume – your recovery is mad quick, you recovery very quickly, so it’s nothing to have a twenty minute or less minisession three times a day to keep your body primed, building muscle, burning off unnecessary fat…

Three times a day, some instant coffee in water, some eggs, some meat – zero carb weekdays.

How could it not work!


Throwing in that on grass jog (probably a run ~6:15 mile pace (I don’t know how to move slower other than walking)) was a blast – I think I’ll mix kettlebell stuff with some lackadaisy on grass barefoot running off camera –

1. it was fun
2. fat loss
3. kettlebell wth effect mixed w/vaguely specific to mile run – the yardage could add up if I’m doing this for an hour
4. being heavy – all the conditioning just makes me surprisingly all around, underestimated, I’ve been there before – it’s gonna be cool to see where I’m at all around come bout september/october


x30, x10

shower up

four way neck flexing/dynamic tension looking in the mirror as I drip dry


x15, x5

Persistence & Tenacity

Note ; “not watching porn and scrolling instagram don’t exactly mix”, it’s all borderline on the reels