May 5, 2024

Midnight Snack
•chocolate bar – 50g carbs
•32oz milk – 48g carbs
~100g carbs

Generic chocolate bars are quite affordable, and having a handful of squares a day is a joy.

Breakfast :
•meatballs w/cheese
•coffee milk ~100g carbs
~125g carbs


eight minute walk before

BUP 24kg
x1+2+7 left
lose it, reclean it, press again, repeat, etc
One Arm Swings 24kg
10×7 e:50o:50 alternating hands

150 one arm swings total
five minutes of soccer ball after

about forty minutes total
I have to laugh, about a year ago I told the guy who gave me the 16kg and 20kg bells he no longer used that a 24kg would probably be the right one arm swing training weight – yep, definitely felt that today.

Man, while competition bells aren’t really built for two hand swings, a pair of adjustable competition bells allows for basically unlimited one arm swing progress and double bell ballistics, really training towards double 32kg bottoms up stuff

I’m pumped, literally and figuratively.
Physically from the workout.
Mentally to be able to slowly progress from 24kg to 32kg by small jumps one arm swinging and with high reps bottoms up – with an adjustable kettlebell these are what strike me as the two main movements, bot high rep, both aiming to get to high reps at 32kg :
•one arm swings
•bottoms up clean & press
•bottoms up press

(that’s technically three, but it’s your choice whether you’d select two high rep ballistics or one ballistic one press as the two main – either way there’s ballistics for reps and some to high rep presses)

½can of iced tea ~20g carbs


More soccer ball (in the rain now)
•fifteen minutes dribbling
•fifteen minutes short shots “on goal”

The dribbling can be done in a manner of almost running in place, and simply walking around repeatedly after a ball you kicked at an old salvaged office chair – these are standing, there is some movement, it’s all inherently more a fat loss activity than simply sitting around.

Will I ever play soccer?
I didn’t growing up, not pickup (this is america) nor organized.

I’m treating it as a coordination drill.
Training need not be serious, it can be playful – we can develop skills for no reason past the enjoyment of journey, and it’s known that things like balance, coordination they’re good for not only you physically, but for your brain as well.

Stay young.

That’s likely a big part of all the natural movement and movnat type stuff.
Just get movement into your life.
It isn’t all about being a comically stiff and narrowly focused lifter.

1½ can of iced tea ~60g carbs
(this split over a couple hours between immediately after the first period of movement and after this one


The zoos where you can tug of war the big cats, lion, tiger, liger – whichever – if I lived nearby I’d get a seasons pass TO TRAIN.

Seriously, go to the gym often to tug of war.

The zoo is sad as shit, these majestic creatures locked up, but at the same time it’s a way far more accessible to see them up close and personal without going halfway around the world…

And damn it I’d love to try tug of war against a big cat!

Tug of war, mas wrestling, and similar should all be more often participated in.
Far more primal than a seated row or lifting weights, plus good fun.

Or maybe I’m just bitter (lol) all these years later that at the high school pep rallys all four years – my class, the team of which I was on (or was I not there as a senior?), came in second each and every time.


I see a bit more muscular separation between my right bicep and shoulder.

Am I getting bicep hypertrophy from the kettlebell swings?

Whatever the case, kettlebell pressing, kettlebell swings, soccer ball dribbling, and a daily walk + being conscious of carbs…
This is working in every way.


Dinner, just about 48 hours of carbs now

bowl of corn pops w/milk ~40g carbs
can iced tea ~40g carbs
rotisserie chicken, cheese, three tortillas ~85g carbs
~165g carbs total

And with this til at least friday night is going to be low carb.

Milk could run out, and I may stick to meat, eggs, some onion when that happens – looking at a negligible amount of carbs from ketchup on my eggs this week as I alternate it and tabasco sauce on fried egg dinners.

I’ve got half the rotisserie chicken for tomorrow night, then two pounds of the philly cheese steak sausages, a package of meatballs, PLENTY of eggs, and a package of breakfast sausage links that could last if I only lightly mix them with eggs…

Forgoing milk and carbs I could make it to next friday night’s free period.

Didn’t touch honey roasted peanuts or have any soda this weekend – maybe that’ll be next weekend.

I think week by week each week will pretty naturally get a bit cleaner, and it’s fat loss by lightly eating in the first place.

I’m getting serious about health, cardio, while the kettlebell volume is upping, kettlebell strength is upping, and in some aspects my training is going the performing strongman route.



A bunch of swings and pushups would make a nice workout.

The adjustable bell set to 24kg feels the right training weight for one hand swings.

And the right training weight feel makes you get more from it.

My biceps are surprisingly sore from them.
Chalk it up to the kettlebell does everything.





surprisingly easy, but then again… kettlebell



Persistence & Tenacity