May 3, 2024 – Gym Dream Then Doing 40kg Two Hand Swings For 10×10 EMOM :

Gym Dream :

Waking up I realize I dreamt this, as I clearly woke up in bed (rather sore – particularly heavy legs), and have not in fact swung the kettlebell so far…

Well unless I did this sleep walking or something lol.

Simply I did two hand swings with the 40kg bell, and on the tenth set I called an audible and kept swinging…it was either 50 or 100 reps when I stopped.

I genuinely was dreaming of being strong with a high level of fitness between sets of decently high rep and unbroken rep sets of two hand swings and burpees.

I dreamt of kettlebell swings and burpees!

randomly left this somewhere on ig talking about christian bale machinist to batman transformation


ten minutes soccer ball
ten minute/half mile walk



Early friday night cheat meal dinner – quick carbs ;
•two lemon poppy seed muffins – 100g carbs
•buttered microwave pack of coconut jasmine rice – 85g carbs
•two tall glasses of milk ~32oz – 50g carbs

This after about a week of definitely low carb, under 100g a day, and borderline keto – around 250g carbs in this sitting, low protein.

Interestingly it was far more filling, and I had to force feed the second half of the rice, then yesterday’s 16oz glass of milk with a 1lb package of meatballs.

All the carbs and junk I just bought ; I’ll enjoy them tonight and tomorrow, but I’d say this early on, wanting carbs is more mental than physical.

Now follow the dream…
I’d went to bed thinking about this to boot.

2h Swing 40kg
10×10 in 10:00/emom

That’s a challenge workout I’ve just checked off.

A basic entry point to the real craziness.

long form video – the entire workout unabridged, there’s also a short of the 10th set


You know there is plenty of human history where simple fare of bread and beans, maybe some milk, a few oz of meat would be a normal laborer’s fare.

We’re incredibly lucky to have modern agriculture and ranching industry, factory farms and all that.

When I was at the store last I was looking at all the selections of cheese, seeing if any popped out to me, noticed chicken (bone in fatty cuts) was a good price, chicken breast on a good sale.

Three chicken leg quarters (3lbs of bone in meat), a can of baked beans, a loaf of bread (generic, lower price point), and a gallon of milk would be ~$9.

That’s hearty, simple fare.
Instead you eat at chain restaurants where it’s $30 a plate for a soybean oil laden trash.

Man it’s nice to not be in the kitchen (restaurant) right now/anymore. 630pm, friday night, I’ve frozen pizza in the oven.

I don’t have to spend the next hour swamped, stewing in my own sweat, plating crap out of the oven with a bunch of miserable and angry human beings working to my right.

I can go kick the soccer ball a bit (again) now that I’ve recovered from the kettlebell swings almost an hour and a half ago.

Fifteen minutes of soccer ball – way flashier, more left foot – rotating in a circle to a degree – more performance

Second Dinner :
•frozen pizza – 200g carbs
•quart blueberry milk – 100g carbs
•small glass milk – 10g carbs
•can iced coffee – 40g carbs

Almost 600 grams of carbs today after five to seven days of under 100/day – and the thing is this isn’t so crazy for the standard american to eat like – no wonder it’s an obese nation.


The next swing workout is probably 15×7 emom, that’d be the next “lose ten seconds off the interval” progression there – typing hours later…my fingers feel fatigued.

That’s a kinda new feeling, and a bit humorous honestly.

I’m not yet willing to drop the money on a 60kg bell (though indefinitely want to go heavier with kettlebells) for two hand swings, heavy bottoms up work – I’ll up the volume and workout time with the 40kg two hand swings.

There’s crazy potential to “armor build” turn your torso into a shield of thickly developed strongman like muscle with the swings.

Blocky. Not pretty bodybuilding v shaped.
Think strongman.

I’ve long been okay with having my giant gorilla torso, and thickening all of it while dropping fat is good.


Pushups :


Pushups :
x10, x15 in the last minute before midnight

Persistence & Tenacity