May 2021 Flow – Mostly About Eating, + Pullups, & The Empty Barbell Program :

Bread and butter, simple, hearty.

I wouldn’t be a vegan, in my eyes their bodybuilding nutrition mostly comes down to two fat sources, coconut and avacado, and one protein source, chickpeas/garbanzo beans.

I’d go fruit sugar, likely drinking a bunch of grape juice, apple juice, and apple cider for my carbs that way.

The high calorie vegan meal?
Maybe noodles and beans.
A vegan can’t have macaroni AND cheese with beans, as cheese is from cows, and cows aren’t a plant

Saturated fat is the most important macronutrient to robustness, health, and vigor.

It best comes from animal sources.

Good old butter.
And it’s in the beef.

It’s amazing how unhealthy stimulant use is for you, especially when it’s not only habitual, but an addiction.

And let’s face it, most energy drink and coffee consumption is addictive behavior.

Instead of stimming yourself up, only to be stimmed out later, wake up with enough time, and take a shower instead.

Taking a shit, and taking a shower is a good way to wake up.

That’s healthy.

People spend far too much time indoors and seated.

I don’t care what the weather is.
I make a point of going outside each and every day.

Todos los dias.

I’m finding pullup ability is getting “baked in”, I did a PR set of 22 reps a few days back (on 5/1/21), a set of 20 a couple days ago, and yesterday I did 2×15 only a couple of minutes apart with a good see saw pressing set inbetween, and on each set was getting a solid 1″ of hands coming up off the bar most reps.

It was quite powerful for reps of 15, nearing the power required for muscle ups.

I’m on the border of muscle up territory.

I’ll be doing them soon for reps, with pure power, at a heavier bodyweight than I was here.

The three days in a row a big level up in my pullup ability.

I’ve been snacking, anywhere from 100-500 calories a few times a day, then back filling, trying to eat enough each night.

Immediately before bed I take in something, usually grape juice.

Metabolism is probably speeding up.

Three snacks during the day, two to three dinners, plus the late night snack.

I think this is partially related to the season. It’s now spring.

For a few years now around this time I crave lots of grape juice.

It’s an interesting consideration, tying season to training and diet.

It’s an animal thing, so why not for humans too.

A certain feeling of having used your legs, a mix of fatigue, activation, and strength stimulus is very euphoric.

I get it between life, and for a few days now a set of overhead squats each night with the empty bar.

An empty barbell is great. It’s on you to use it right.

I do three sets :
•high rep overhead squat
•high rep btn press
•high rep reverse curl

The overhead squat activates everything on your posterior.

The btn press heightens the shoulder, and upper back activation.

The reverse curl gets your small pulling muscles in on the party, and I deliberately flare my lats to get them in on it too.
