May 10, 2024 – “Looking In The Mirror, Pure Narcissism – My Back Is AWESOME!”

Did last night’s pushups just before midnight, and now just after midnight am doing duolingo, and a bit of video editing while drinking a can of iced tea.

I really enjoy a can of iced tea after exercise.

~40g carbs

Though I’ll likely fast from this til somewhere between 5-8pm, then go HIGH CARB then.

I’m looking forward to it, and tomorrow, but it may stay mild – real mild, just frozen meatballs and cheese instead of a free for all, but it could be a free for all.

Put a question mark with “let the donuts commence”.

Either way, I should get in some kettlebell swing volume today.

And I resteeped the cold brew tea from a few hours ago as well.
Theoretically that’s no additional carbs, just a hint of berry and tea flavor in cold water.

Pushups :
x20, x10


It’s maybe a couple weeks of eating cleaner, and being clean shaven I can see less of a double chin.

Looking in the mirror my back is awesome.
For a second I start to think “if only I had a bunch of machines to train volume with”, then I laugh at myself ;

1. That’s an excuse pure and simple.
2. I’m not deadlifting.
3. I’m not doing pullups.
4. I’m not doing any rows.
5. It’s really being carried by the kettlebell habit.
6. If I wanted to really improve my back I’d simply add twenty minutes a day of rotating movements with what I have available.

On that note ; go to a pullup spot, do 50 or so before leaving – do lots of one arm rows with the equipment I have – do lots of barbell rows – actually deadlift (any variation for volume) – use the salvaged forearm forklift as trx row as intended when I snagged it before it went in the dumpster…

There’s no excuse but to do the work.

And often lately I realize I’m doing no burpees, nor have I tried to join any pickup basketball, nor have I ran any…

But I’m CONSISTENT with at least ; five minutes of soccer ball, one set of pressing, a couple sets of pushups, and a ten minute walk each day, and that well rounded daily consistency is working for me.

Somewhat related ; as I walk I tend to get to a place of thinking good thoughts, and while there I keep hearing “keep daily posting for forever – you have a message, and will help others”.

See, I’m a financial wreck.
I’ve been a social wreck.
A lack of local opportunity for me, something snapping in me the last time I lost a job – it got me online.
And that’s worldwide.
The paths we walk…
(to greater destinations)

Film what I’d be doing anyway, and get monetized on youtube (fix my finances with it as side effect) by showing people everywhere how simple it is to be strong.

That’s what I’ve long taken issue with in all the programs, all the workout advice online, all the gym culture, etc – there’s very few who just pointedly simplify.

Do the work.
Do anything consistently.
Equipment is nice, equipment is spice, but no equipment and personal ingenuity make it so you can fly so long as you decide to.

I used to say “I make gym floors wherever I go”…while really it’s ; “I am the gym wherever I am…and I can teach you to be too”…

What a good midnight to 1am hour.


I find it hilarious that I’m craving buttered toast and baked beans – I’d not even need to do keto, I could just eat normally fairly low calorie and be set!


Breakfast :
~2.5oz honey roasted peanuts
16oz milk
~40g carbs

I was RAVENOUS – got this in quick
Will eat reasonably free today, looking like eating big tonight.

It was interesting going four full days without milk – very rare for me.

Early Afternoon

Lift :
goofing around trying to hub lift first a 25lb plate, then 10lb plate – then pinch c&p a 25lb plate then a pair of 10lb plates smooth side out

I have a long ways to go with grip strength, but it already seems like the sort of thing I can do lots of, without much regimentation, which frankly is what I like.

immediately after this a
can of iced tea
~40g carbs

120g carbs on the day thus far and it’s not yet dinner

Soccer Ball :

Lift :
playing with bumper plate pinch grip clean & press

today’s video of that

Walk :
thought it’d be ten minutes, but my capita half mile walk at the usual turn around point – I completed it in about eight minutes instead of about ten minutes – walking pace is increasing back to the ~15:00 mile it used to be (from ~22:00/mile)

this portends well to at some point starting to jog/run/spring with the walks – my thirties are going to be far more fit than my twenties

note : that grip focused clean and press was quite fun – it’d be fairly quick to get the double 25+10 bumpers pinch c&p successfully


Dinner :

•half a takeout pizza
•orange juice

Man that was filling, probably don’t need to/won’t be able to go all out on junk food this weekend.

•chocolate bar


x10, x10


Lift :
barbell c&p
30×1 w/135lbs every :24 on :24

used a whole lot of grips and stances – was ugly on purpose

Today’s barbell c&p was without mouthpiece – the form was all over the place, bad on purpose – I have the feeling I can brute force my way while losing weight to doing a 300lb clean and press, plus doing workouts like these in the 225 59 255lb area.

The barbell felt like a toothpick in hand, ridiculously thin – not only would I rather be using an axle, but continued kettlebell is only going to make the barbell when I touch it feel like that more and more.

In some ways I have decent grip, and the kettlebell is probably the only normal enough gym type route to really give you strong hands…it’s ballistic nature alongside all the volume shore up the grip as if it was manual labor, and NOTHING gets the hands strong like years of certain jobs/trades/tasks in the manual labor world.

Second Dinner (quite late) :
•baked beans with cheese
•buttered toast
•cherry pepsi

The beans and toast I’d been craving on the low carb, particularly the real low calorie carnivore days.

Carb cycling would be real easy.

It was interesting today that about as soon as I’d entered high carbs into my system that I HAD TO step back outside for another lift.

Wanted to IMMEDIATELY go burn off some energy.

The next few months are gonna bring some good things on body composition, strength, and fitness.

x10, x10

w/x10 dkbs in between

Persistence & Tenacity