July 2022 Flow – “Gorilla Calisthenics”

Weighted pushups for me were an adaption to pf, funny to realize the similarities between the training I did at planet fitness, and what I’ve heard done for prison fitness.

I can not stress enough how far a large base of calisthenic volume sets you on the path to being freakishly strong.

I’ll let you in on something, I always got better at pullups/chins from these two things :


Comical how well that serves you, before the covid lockdown my amrap went from like 8 on a good day to 9 or 10 as PR with 7-8 as norm WHILE superset with machine curls simply from the occasional weighted 1s or 2s at bw+10 or bw+15.

Last summer I was approaching 30 as amrap, and hit over 20 at bw+20ish via kettlebell hooked to my foot.

What really was helping me was all these weighted sets, often amraps or near it, whether via dip belt or kettlebell(s) hooked to foot/feet – multiple sets, these were the training effect.

8xbw+70, totaling over 300lbs, often for multiple sets…

Weighted pushup position planks, a 200lb training partner standing on your upper back…

Weighted pushups, a 155lb training partner standing on your upper back sometimes holding dumbbells…

All in the realm of gorilla strong.

just as swole

Have a big dude sit on your upper back, or a chick stand on your upper back, and smash set after set of weighted pushup 8s.

If you can’t load the movement, live weight, or otherwise – band it.

Bands give a different stimulus, and I was doing weighted pushups with the thick grey bands, high reps on the purple.

I genuinely hope these are always color coded the same, I think they are.

Now to legs ;


Whether it’s via squat or lunge, with a buddy laying over one shoulder – bunches of reps.

You ever realized how impressive it is when one sumo lifts the other by the mawashi (belt), and carries him out of the ring?

Any movement can be partner resisted. Simulate anything generally done with weight or machine.

Mas wrestling looks like the greatest strength competition of all time.