Hit It Cold And Progress

Some days after work all I do is a cold single, but sometimes I’ll hit a slightly higher rep range.

Yesterday I went 365×5 leaving some in the tank. 365×10+ felt on the table, and lifetime PR is 365×9.

After reracking the weights the idea hit me.

Now before I continue:
405×5 is my lifetime PR.

Mentally I want 405×10, and more along the lines of 495×5 as short term goals.

Now I could continue adding weight every so often to cold singles while randomly doing higher rep ranges, or an approach that makes more sense to me:

Do cold sets of 5 primarily, and add weight to this rep range.

Instead of focusing on the 1rm focus on the 5rm.

It’s easier mentally for me to add 5lbs to 5 reps than to add the 5lbs to a single.

8-5lb weight jumps would have me at my lifetime 5rm PR….but cold, and would be an easier progression than adding reps at a heavy weight.

Same end result, different approach.

As of posting I’ll be at what may end up being a 16+hr shift of labor, and you know what?

I’ll hit 365 for over 5 or 370-375 x5 cold immediately after be it 7pm or 1am the next day. (Update: After what ended up being a 14hr shift I hit 365 x 10 @ 11pm 7/24/17)

Whatever it is,make it a need. You’ll do what it takes… effortlessly.

And the best part is…none of this labor and Bulgarian squatting is draining me in the least. I live for this.

Growth on all fronts.

