Years ago I stumpled upon this Russian youtube channel. It was one of those things that simply left an impression. Dude does 100s of pullups, and frankly looks built like someone who does massive amounts of pullups, notice the size of his lats.
Form police would say his form is terrible or some other bullshit as an excuse as to why they can’t do this sort of thing. I saw it differently…
He doesn’t look particularly small, and who cares what form he uses. It was an eye opener as to the possibility of really pushing reps high, I’ve done so with pushups…and am built accordingly.
There’s something to be said for simply applying yourself to the task, the training, at hand, and running it as far as you possibly can.
All you have is the floor? Pushups, situps, bodyweight squats, etc as far as you can.
You have a pullup bar? Dip bars? Bring them far.
It’s not rocket science, it’s consistent effort.
Plus that looks damn fun.