Food : Quality VS Quantity

I once saw the point made about the quality vs quantity of food made in an anecdote describing deer.

Which is going to be the more robust of the two bucks? The one living on the edge of suburbia on starvation levels of natural food, or the one eating copious amounts of soy beans and corn from a hunter’s feeder? (Factor out the fact the feeder fed one may be getting fucked come next fall, and the suburban one will likely starve or get hit by a minivan.)

Think about it, then apply it to humans.

Picture the fitness type shopping at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s eating their perfect organic paleo macros and spending easily $200+ a week on food and then picture the guy eating whatever he can get his hands on in bulk.

Which one is going to be big? Which one is going to be stronger?

Sure It’d be nice to eat $10+/lb tuna steaks and shit, but really is that yuppie going to be physically more robust than the guy eating on under $10/day with cheap chicken, ground beef, milk, ramen, etc and getting in far more calories even if they are not of the highest quality sources?

I wouldn’t put my money on the yuppie.

Food for thought.
