Flow 3/25/20 : Proper Mindset – I’d Rather Die

The other day, in the middle of the shit, I do my pushups, then rightly state “Miss my pushups? I’d rather die.”

I made the daily discipline happen, no excuses. Instantaneously my mindset shifted to a solid place.

Honest appraisal shows depression to be connected to knowing, not a feelings, but knowing that you’re not doing what you need to be doing.

There’s a power, inner strength…and contentment, in doing what thou must.

Everything with what’s in your control, and as best as the circumstances allow with what’s out of your control.

Smile, laugh, both with an inner intensity, and live.

You’re still breathing!

I recall 14 years old and training like an animal. Intense pursued desire, with what I had, where I was at.

That’s the proper mentality – “Not go all out? I’d rather die!”, and because suicide is not an option driving yourself to be the best YOU can be, fuck the rest.

You have your disciplines on which you never slip.

You are willing to share your knowledge to all, as you want the best for all, yours, and you. You share openly.

You train and hope the path of excellence rubs off.

Through the motions with a lackadaisical attitude is bullshit!

Do it right, all out. Zero or 100!

My personality. I’m the hype man! I want to excel and get others to!

Circumstance is irrelevant when self is strongly, fully adhered to.

I’m pressing in a moment. I’ll be doing PT unbreakable tonight.

Life is good.

Persistence & Tenacity