Flow 3/11/20 : Posture & Outlook

Posture is strongly correlated with one’s outlook.

Negative headspace is easily hacked by standing with good powerful expansive posture.

Some stretching, even yoga like expansion can be a godsend.

I suggest reaching for the sky, to elongate the spine every morning.

I consider “Rocky” pose (or any other “victory pose” variant) done in the bathroom mirror upon rising to be a practice of utmost importance, and to do more of the same whenever you’re starting to get bogged down in negative thoughts.

When I see dudes standing with weak hands over crotch positioning, particularly if I think they’re a good kid, I have the urge to move their hands over to their hips in a lesson of “dude, stand like this”.

I rid myself of that somewhere in my teenage years, and in my 20s often am complimented on my good posture.

Posture is an incredibly powerful thing. The conscious focus on it’s improvement works wonders.

Persistence & Tenacity