February 2021 Flow – Going Without, Self Selected Hardship – All By Choice = Abundance

Humanity has proven itself resilient over the years, not a bunch of survivors, but a bunch of thrivers.

The other night I slept with just the blanket AND sheet, skull cap on, no long sleeve shirt, no socks, and felt somewhat chilly…indoors.

Ignoring the feeling, I slept, dreamt vivid dreams, and when I awoke to urinate a thought was strongly in my head :

“We’re cold indoors not as layered up as would be comfortable, while soldiers in the civil war were sleeping back propped up against a tree under the stars in snow storms with one government issue blanket over them, no skull cap either. Then upon rising, and having some weak coffee, they were either in for a long march, or went to battle that day.”

Humanity is coddled. Humanity doesn’t need to be. It’s the most resilient, adaptable animal on earth.

You don’t need all the stuff you have.

Your wardrobe more than keeps you warm.

Your fridge more than keeps you fed. Within five minutes and for under five dollars you can eat what many drool over. Don’t eat too much!

A little hardship makes you better.
You’re so blessed, that you choose to go without!

It’s “hardship” by choice, not by force of circumstance –
that’s amazing abundance.