Effort & Mindset : Forget The Science

I was reading a diet book the other night. I’d known of it for years, even implemented some of it’s principles absorbed through reading of it, but not reading it itself.

I’m a quick reader, it was not heavy reading, and for the most part I skimmed it, as a way to relax before bed.

What I already had known of the book, was the info I had needed, and already have. Reading the book itself? There was a lot of science talk, too much so, and I as the reader was concluding from the pages, that building muscle is this needing everything diet and training lined up perfectly complicated thing.

I thought to myself, “how is the author built again”, and was thinking back to about 14 when I thought it all seemed so complicated, and just put in effort…

That’s what you need! You don’t need science! Talking science is prone to make you beleive, and wrongly so, that you need perfect training, perfect nutrition, perfect supplementation, and timing it all perfectly to gain an oz of muscle. That couldn’t be further from the truth!

Often the strongest, most musclular, the most enduring, those with the highest physical performance are not paying heed to science. Instead of paying heed to “science”, a belief system of overanalyzation, and limitation, they’re out there training hard.

Don’t underestimate training hard!

Training hard, truly hard, in a way that everyone on the outside views you as batshit insane, and you may find yourself in agreement…that’s where progress well past science comes in.

Science is overthinking, and overthinking is the culprit causing a dearth of muscle heads in society.

Any lunatic disregarding science, and pushing feverishly forward to make gains so quickly that everyone else says it is impossible? He’s the guy who’s gonna be gaining far past “natural limitation” (it’s pathetic how seriously low “science” draws this line) at a speed even those on steroids are going to be making steroid accusations.

(P.S. There’s nothing like someone on steroids accusing the one not on of being on. Hilarious!)

To make huge gains you don’t need anything other than yourself.

The right mindset and the right thoughts ALLOW you to break what are considered to be scientifically proven limits. I’ve seen the laws of thermodynamics seemingly be broken. Nothing is more powerful than the mind! Nothing!

A Heinlein book, Stranger in a Strange Land, has the main character think himself muscular in an extraordinarily short amount of time, so fast that a doctor in the story was going “what trickery have you used, what training, what drugs”, to the answer “nothing special, I thought it so”.

When you view impressive physicality as what is natural, take the actions, and view success as a given, you’re gonna progress, progress fast.

So where you are, decide right now, that you’re gonna progress, and no nothing can tell you different.

The gym is closed right now, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Going without for a few weeks has gotten my proper training mindset back!

I have everything I need, I’ll be going back to the gym more yolked, leaner, and with the mindset to match.

Persistence & Tenacity