Dogs & Cats Are Carnivores

Cats and dogs are carnivores, not omnivores.

I can’t think of coming across a single person who feeds them as such.

You won’t put a bowl of milk down for tabby, but you’ll give kibbles to both tabby and sparky?

It strikes me as odd.

And it’s why you see so many health issues in house pets.

Instead of kibbles, instead of formulated canned pet food…why not just feed them meat?

Cook up a big batch of chicken once or twice a week to feed them throughout the week.

Throw in small amounts of red meat, it can be raw, they’re carnivores, they eat meat raw.

Come to think of it, you probably don’t need to cook the chicken for pets.

Not only would meat likely not cost any more than kibbles, but you’ll actually have healthy pets.

Feed the dog a proper amount.

Like the spartans with their youth, leave the cat somewhat hungry.

This is because you want it catching, killing, and making offerings of all sorts of small creatures.

I’ve observed two sibling cats.

One hunted, and was possessive of it’s kibbles, though barely touching them.

The other ate kibbles greedily, though otherwise spent most hours hidden under the bed, and would suffer highly if it had taken so much as a single kibble from the other’s bowl.

He’d try to sneak them. He’d even do so when the other was out hunting. I don’t believe the other ever didn’t notice, never failing to punish the transgression.

Some cats, at least, are apex predators.

I could see them running the earth, though verily they were domesticated (somewhat), the house cat’s lack of mass (bred out of them) being what keeps it from taking over.

Though not for lack of trying.

At my grandfather’s house I always thought it would be awesome to instead of tossing the cat’s bird/mouse/squirrel offering to instead share of the meat, to pan fry up what the cat dropped at your foot with fierce attention grabbing “look at what I have done” warrior meowing, and eat it.

It’s meat. The cat thinks highly enough of you to share. It would like you even better if you gave it meat instead of grain mixed with cow hoof, chicken beak, and whatever other animal byproducts are deemed pet food grade, a thing similar, though slightly better in quality as compared to school, fast food, and prison grade meat product.

People make the same bad food choices as they force upon their pets.

And dogs should be walked twice a day. Like you.
