Daily PT = Discipline

There is no excuse to be an obese beached land whale.

~1205am – I do a quick 25 hindu squats, a little over 40 pushups by the time the mantra reps are done, and following instinct down a glass of cold milk.

See, those pushups are my habitual daily PT, almost being unbroken since 14 years old, since the summer before freshman year I’ve been doing them.

Watching Lockup Raw from ten to midnight, PT with the initial inklings, the philosophising of the “survival mode” mindset, and rolling over onto the bedroll looking for meaning, a kid who’s Grandpa was now gone.

It’s been over a decade now, on the path to 4 years without a miss, and I’m still getting benefit.

I’ve had periods where I did nothing physical past the daily pushups. In a dark place it was at that point where I first broke 90, then 100 reps in a minute, my PR something like 112.

Under 5 minutes of daily physical effort done with intent, is enough.

There is no excuse to be an obese beached land whale.

A slob is a slob because their mind is sloppy, weak, undisciplined.

Daily PT fixes that. Moreso than the physical it’s the mental discipline involved that equals excellence.

The brain going “I don’t wanna” may pop up daily, and fucking Terminator like you end up on your face 15, 25, more in.

Can’t be like the rest, won’t be like the rest.

Get on the fucking floor and bang em out.

Add mantras into the meditation, and that’s what the daily PT truly is
physical meditation.

I don’t understand those fucks…what they can’t do a few minutes of their PT in the kitchen daily?

P&T 7/8/19