CrossPost – “Studies Have Shown” aka Teasing The Evidence Based Lifter :

well they have

“Studies Have Shown”
The god of both the evidence based lifter and of the science based lifter is the study.

A certain type of person, due to religious belief or something will immediately defer to the invocation of “studies have shown”.

Therefore, to win any and all training based arguments, simply invocate these studies, and what they have shown (particularly best when these studies have been made up in the moment/on the spot…all in your head).

Once for a laugh, as I gave a coworker a ride home, I explained this concept to him, then made up the most exaggerated of “facts”, stating it with the segue of “studies have shown”…”ah, no way – they have”…he bought it, I laughed, pointed it out…
“No way! It works!”

On one side is instinctive training, bro science, and all the n=1 anecdotes (my personal favorites).

One the other side is science based training, those who look for optimal training (and only optimal training), and those who want lab coats to say what is and isn’t possible for you based on studies done using leg extension machines and horribly unphysical college students.


Persistence & Tenacity

#sciencebasedtraining #evidencebasedtraining #strongmantraining #bodybuildingtraining #nattyornot