CrossPost – “A Tale Of Losing Muscle (Theoretical)” :

A Tale Of Losing Muscle (Theoretical) :
I sit here just after midnight sipping on both a glass of milk, and one of orange juice…

A moment prior I had done the day before’s pushups, and as I got down on the floor I had the idea of what to write ;

How To Fail At Losing Muscle :

Now firstly my “post workout” macros are surely off, of which that I am certain.
~16oz orange juice, and the same of milk.
I have drank mostly carbs, and committed the heinous act of mixing fat into s “meal” which containeth carbs.

I’m not concerned.

If anything getting something quick into me, and just before sleep is anabolic as can be.

But that’s not the main point here…

So long as I do daily pushups it would be hard for me to lose muscle mass on my upper body.

With a decade and a half of experience, essentially daily and unbroken with pushups this entire time I get much out of them, even if the total on the day is some silly low count like 30 total.

I can put them into just about any muscle group, I can fly through them with zero range of motion and too I can do them very strict, very mentally focused, using perfect form, and a high level of mind-muscle connection for the ever gainful squeeze.

One simple exercise has become abundance, unlimited ability with just the one thing.

A few pushups backed by so much training history so as to never…it’s hard to define…

Need more.

& More…


I can’t rightly say I identify as an advanced trainee.

I tend to look at myself as “a very strong normal man”, with the emphasis in my eyes on the latter, on being the normal, or at least what should be.

For a handful of years now I’ve identified my own goal in mind as to be “the best nobody I can be/the strongest nobody around”.

I don’t see myself as ever going to medal in weightlifting or win a world’s strongest man/arnold’s competition.

But I place high value on strength, have had so much adversity (it seems – all is perception) in my own training journey that I’ve simply adapted.

In any environment I’ll find a way to strength train, even if it’s simply “revert to pushups” which I can, and have done in the past.

I don’t view genetics as being all that important to 99.9999 or 99.99999%.

Maybe it matters to the one in a million or the one in ten million outlier “genetic freak”. To the rest, the “everyman nobody” whenever they may be, those NOT in the spotlight on the world stages of nfl sunday, or in the olympic games, the latter of which I haven’t watched since 2012, the former…the last, a single game in maybe 2018…

Just train.

Without an addiction to being a spectator, which is most in society you’ll end up pretty impressive in the real world, in your own life, in…the place that matters.

Real World

One moment, I’m pouring another glass of orange juice. I’ve been drinking mucho as of late, around carton a day honestly – it’s a kick.

Often I eat like that, on kicks…


Okay, I’m back, with another tall glass of oj to sip.

Maybe the writer’s stereotype was an alcoholic alone in his madness, maybe now it’s the yuppie in a coffee shop with laptop.

Here I am flow writing, at the kitchen table, smart phone plugged in charging as I type. Between midnight and 1am.

Initially my point was going to be how hard it’d be to lose muscle.

That so long as I train some, it’d be pretty hard to even starve off on me.

I feel for all that it is more truly this way.

It’s a cultural psyop, supplement companies or something selling you on the belief that you have to not only struggle to build, but struggle to maintain muscle.

Maintaining muscle is the easiest thing.

Like many (including my mother) say “oatmeal sticks to your ribs”, that’s the case with muscle.

Once muscle has been built it sticks to ya.
The built muscle ain’t going anywhere.

Believe THAT

It’s now 1230am, I’ve finished sipping the second glass of oj, and I’m off to bed.
Have a good night, or a good day, and a good life.

Be strong, and best to ya,
Persistence & Tenacity

crossposted from youtube community posts in full, and instagram in part with

Jimmy Soul – If You Wanna Be Happy
as the choice of music

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