Have A Cold? Overtrained? Should I Take Time Off?

Frequency…our soft living and soft mentality BEGS us to lower it.

Everyone around you says take time off…

The only training that makes sense to me is Bulgarian…I stray from that and I spin my wheels.

Coughing…hack, hack, hack…ok it’s now safe to unrack.

It takes a while to fall asleep at night, the coughing is worst in the late evening.

Is it a cold? Is it overtraining?

No, it’s your body trying to trick you into laying off…

You don’t need to.

The mental goes far before the physical.

The physical is LIMITLESS when you’ve got the mental on point.

Keep going. The physical will catch up…that is if you have the mental strength necessary.

Squat every day. Bulgarian training. Love it.
