With my phone on, alarm set, I find myself waking up hourly. Throughout the night I drool and sweat more than expected, and will have very strange dreams.
Whenever I don’t have to set an alarm, the majority of the time my phone will be off.
The further away from me it’s placed, the higher my quality of sleep.
I sleep best with my phone completely outside of the bedroom.
I believe that many electronics nearby is a negative towards sleep, with smartphones being a particularly strong source of sleep nullifying witchcraft/voodoo.
(And yes though I use my smartphone daily, I view the thing as a thing of witchcraft/voodoo.)
Think positive and negative charges, even as metaphysically as you wish.
You can make the electrical current argument alone.
I’ve once had a half asleep/half awake nightmare, where I saw a projection from my phone screen of what I’d describe as a “heroin dragon” dancing in misty air. The presence felt demonic, and I fell back into a deeper sleep before waking up that morning, still vividly remembering this. For a while after this I’d purposefully leave my phone screen down, as in the dream my phone had been off, but facing up.
All things in the universe have their good and bad, their positive and negative.
You have to have the discipline to use modernity rightly.
Sleep issues? Why are you looking at your phone in bed?