“Built Like A Defensive Lineman From Calisthenics” – Flow

From The Archives :

What so many don’t get is that is that you’ll get built as long as there’s food intake and training stimuli.

I took the training path I took, it wasn’t the norm that’s for sure, but it’s worked for me, here it is :

Near the end of my junior year of high school, wrestling having ended, I learned how to eat.

I wanted to get as big as I possibly could, so calories was the name of the game.

I’d eaten like a pidgeon during most of the preceding two years, and the small growth spurt from 178-185, then force feeding (mostly pouring olive oil into my mixes of milk, whey, soy powder, and peanut butter) from there to 197 before wrestling season, taught me if I wanted bodyweight to go up, calories would have to go up.

I wasn’t going more than 200-250g protein a day, but calories were bonkers. I averaged 6500-7000 calories a day for a long while that summer.

Instinctively I ate “dirty”, meaning whatever I wanted, while keeping mostly to nutritious things.

I’d drink milk to the tone of as many as 11 gallons a week, would eat chicken nuggets and waffles for breakfast, a greek yogurt while it was heating up, and wouldn’t get up from the breakfast table until 100g of protein was in me.

A couple hours later at my aunt’s house I’d lounge at the pool, and eat handfuls of hostess and little debbies.

I had two dinners every night, half a frozen pizza, and a bunch of whatever my mom made.

I’m big cause I get in calories from “dirty” but nutritious sources.

At present I eat a lot of kielbasa, salami, drink milk, and have multiple dinners.

Food and drink with protein and high fat makes bulk easy.

Training in the weight room has never been consistent year after year.

I have God tier consistency however with calisthenics.

I like lifting, but by no means am I wed to it. I’ve lost access to weights off and on almost half the time.

I view pushups as daily PT, and isometrics, when I do them, in whatever form have served me very well.

I train every day without equipment regardless.

After the gym today, everything required to train checked off, I did extra pushups and warrior pose back at home.

I don’t need the gym.

Size is related to calorie intake first, and training stimuli second. Almost a year back after a set of about 70 wide grip pushups I texted a buddy “dude, not caring for bodybuilding aesthetics I’ve managed to give myself the build of a defensive lineman mostly from military PT style calisthenics”.

I’ve been able to get plenty of stimuli from calisthenics without break, and isometrics in various forms when I do them. Yes lifting weights helps, but I don’t need them. My gym is forever with me.

Pushups for life!

Persistence & Tenacity