The Black Pilgrimage by Augustus Sol Invictus

The Black Pilgrimage by Augustus Sol Invictus

The Black Pilgrimage was published in January 2016.  I must have read it in February or March of the same. It was one of those books you don’t put down until it’s over. Instead of sleeping, I read it straight through. I suggested my buddy read it that very afternoon.

A handful of times I’d wanted to reread it. Last night was one of them.

I needed to read it. Yesterday had been horrible. It’s words, the sense of adventure,the yearning for more, I had to read it again.

With a dedication like that wouldn’t you read it?

I check my google play books, not there. Check the laptop, no file. Odd, I must’ve accidentally deleted it. I realized it had been on my phone, and I did just that once when it was low on storage. I didn’t realize it hadn’t been backed up. Okay, I’ll download it again. Shit, the site has been down for awhile. Run the Google search for it. There are only a few sites linking the PDF on the invictusforsenate site, which is down. I check his YouTube channel, and it lists the same website.

Unwilling to not read it, I thought about throwing up comments on the blogs reviewing it asking if anyone had the file.

Then it clicked on me. The Internet Archive, and The Wayback Machine. I’ve read down sites using it before, why not see if it has a live PDF link stored?

The Black Pilgrimage by Augustus Sol Invictus PDF:

It does, here is  the PDF of The Black Pilgrimage by Augustus Sol Invictus.

The chronicle is romantic, and I’d highly suggest not only the romantic, but all read this.

Doing so will stir something inside of you. It does for me.

Maybe I’m an artist, a romantic,yearning to be a warrior, yearning for the war. Maybe you’re another, and it will strike you as well.

Read the book. You have the link. We all could use an awakening to spiritual experience, adventure. After all, we all die. Best get inspired, become epic, and do great things while here.
