A Fun Calisthenics Push Triset

A Fun Calisthenics Push Triset :
•Handstand Pushups
•Band Resisted Pushups
•Diamond Pushups

At present I’m prioritizing handstand pushups.

Band resisted pushups are a way to train weighted pushups consistently. I have “girl pushups” in mind, so this is filed under that.

I figured diamond pushups will strengthen my triceps, and more triceps will make the handstand pushups easier.

The triset smokes the triceps.

I generally push one or two of the three movements, varying the effort day to day.

And noteworthy is that this is not counted as my daily pushups. I still do vanilla reps in addition to this.

Pushing the reps of all three up, building some serious pressing strength, this triset is my current #1 training priority.

It’s very obvious that a big guy can develop the strength to bench 405 without benching.

Persistence & Tenacity