September 2022 – Effective Minimalistic Daily Lifting (Hint Power Clean & Press From The Dead Hang) :

You setup with the bar in front of you, slowly deadlifting it to just above knee height.

Pause. A long pause, at least a couple counts.

Now, you shoulder it from that dead hang, whether you jump & shrug, or heave it up by upper body strength alone – that varies based on the particulars of the footing.

Be smart about it. However, know that you can do real well on muscle cleans/heaves from the dead hang when you choose and/or the available footing forces you to.

How different it is for me than on an indoor perfectly level gym floor.

Make the training variants harder than necessary. It has the side effect of building muscle and making you strong.

Okay, it’s shouldered. Wait a count. Press. Wait a count or two at the top. Lower. Repeat.

You’re pressing these reps real precise, real deliberately.

not pictured : me pressing

Good. You lifted.
Pressing every day this month so far. You’re pressing every day this month.

We’ll see where it ends up.

I’m really liking the deliberate pauses, it’s how some old time lifters said to lift – real controlled, deliberate every rep, stop at the top, stop at the bottom, basically an extended string of singles never unloading the body, keeping the time under tension high.

It’s strength work regardless of weight on the bar – in this case building up the press 10 rep, 12 rep max.

It’ll get above 200lbs soon enough.

Mindset wise I do better with a daily lift.

Even if it’s a quick one set of presses done shirtless in work pants before immediately hopping in the car and go!

That’s better for me than the no lift, sit around, sorry alternative.

I’m genuinely enjoying the hc&p, enjoying my lifting even though this abbreviated.

Make the circumstances work for you.

Persistence & Tenacity

Lifting Music :

mr. criminal – based on a true story