August 2021 Flow – Using An Occasional Clean & Press As A Measure Of Progress :

Zero urge to drive to the gym, so I lifted in the yard, and it turned…meaningful.

Press :
1c+_p style, pressing off of a clean into the first press rep


That was rather easy, I decide that I’ll see what I can do at 205, knowing ←KNOWING I’ll be able to hit that, not wanting to cut myself short with 185, and not wanting to test 225 which felt possible.


Yep, I have video at this weight…still haven’t went heavier though.

My PR was accidentally doing bad math and hitting 3×205 (10/10/18 at the SoCal bodybuilding gym, I actually logged while there) with a pair of ancient red york kilo bumpers as the pair of “plates” (standardly a 45 but that day 55s).

I have video for the above paragraph.

Pressing 2×205 is not bad considering I don’t use a barbell anymore. This was simply carryover from everything I do, I figure the biggest piece being having added in ab wheel regularly and recently, to my months of weighted chins, actually squatting again, actually shrugging and high pulling/upright rowing (the three in the smith machine), my years of pushups which keep strength ever creaping up, plus I psyched up well.

To this ;

Despite not bringing headphones to the gym this month, the moment I’m lifting at home I headphone up.

I’ll probably bring them back to pf next month, see if I get more into my head that way.

I then did
Power Snatch (kinda, complex style, as one set) :
1×135 paused at knee
1×135 clean grip, ugly, “starfish” feet with press out
1 press
move feet to military attention, hold bar at shoulders for a five second count or so
1 press


I like an occasional c&p as a metric to judge if your training is meaningful ie working.

Not yet motivated to lift at home consistently, nor to go back to a barbell gym in what has been thus far near to a three year hiatus.

Maybe I’ll pull a Jujimufu soon and c&p 225 in a parking lot somewhere.

I didn’t do that in the empty pf parking lot last year while gyms were shut down.

That would’ve been a great video.

Get to pressing bodyweight man!
A 275lb press (heavier than bodyweight) historically is nothing for my size.

Get the entire 300lb weight set.

Persistence & Tenacity