July 2021 Flow – “One Day Off From Training” :

I’m flowing off of a combination of things I said to a guy my age on the gym floor, and a conversation I had today with the pastor’s wife (both today 7/4/21) :

You know why I’m in the gym daily?

My uncle said to me eventually I’ll be like everyone else, tired after a “hard day” at work, and eventually I’ll plop down in front of a television.

Saying to me that eventually it’ll happen.

Fuck that!
I don’t have a minute for that shit!

I’m despising that my life is perceived (by me – it’s all choice, we control our lives) as job, ot, gym with little else fitting in, but you know what?…

I am not taking a day off from training.

I do my pushups everyday.

I get to the gym daily a little past what would be considered within reason.

One day without exercise?
That could spiral to ten days, to ten weeks, to ten months, to ten years…to longer than you’ve currently been alive, and someone is sitting there on the couch the screen flashing, life wasted, spent not going where one needs to be.

I’m trying not to word that including myself in it. The idea of doubling my age, to only job/television/repeat horrifies me.

I have nightmares on it.

Yet that’s the common average day in this society!

Not for me.
I’m not that.

You see that?
It’s the chip on my shoulder.

I ain’t turning on the screen ever again.

There isn’t time.
There isn’t!

My life, your life is not at 100% of it’s God given flying high potential.

There isn’t a second for vices.

Heck, even that jacked former marine old timer ranted to me in the locker room today about “how can people be so lazy”, and we agreed a brief calisthenics habit would serve for all.

Persistence & Tenacity