Activity v Muscular Stimulus v Strength Training

walk v calisthenics v lifting
You needn’t train every day, though you can, most especially when you psychologically need it.
However ; you should get activity every day ie go for walks, do yard work, pickup sports, etc.
You should get some muscular stimuli daily or near so, like strength villain wrote years back – treat the “assistance” exercises, the frequency calisthenics as the main training, the lifting as the extra credit, flip your outlook. This has served me very well.
I can pushup, since it’s religion to me, and thrive.
I can do pullups, and “dip odyssey” recomp, get stronger, and BE BETTER than I am when my focus is on weights.
Certain things are very easy to add in on the activity and muscular stimuli levels.
Look for “light” exercises with high carryover, that you can do volume on, and that don’t take much out of you.
Calisthenics often fit this bill, though too can weighted cals, and weights when used this way.
I often speak of the value of the empty bar, and tell you that this same frequency work is not limited to calisthenics, it too can be done with low weight, high effect, high rep weight training.
I love high rep presses, and high rep overhead squats for this, whether it’s an empty barbell, or some weight added.
Don’t struggle.
Do a set or three regularly.
Aim for sets of 50, one or two or three, or even aim for 1×100.
Keep it easy. Don’t struggle.
With that easy set of 50 or 100, then add 5-15lbs, and build up again.
You get SUPERHUMAN doing this.
It can be done with machines, cough machine preacher curl cough cough.
Or leg press is another solid machine choice.
Seated row, though I tend to like aiming for 20-25 reps here as up the pin a notch progress standard.
Back to the barbell, reverse curl, or timed shrugs.
You can train heavy. Infrequent is fine, and may be better than bulgarian for most.
Witnessing a 20 year old benching my squat PRs has shown me the value of the once every 3-10 day lifting schedule, despite bulgarian bringing me from my first 405 squat to 2×455 at 2am having been up for around 20 hours in a roughly six month time frame.
Psychologically I like doing SOMETHING (not nothing) DAILY
So walking a bunch is good.
So muscular stimuli, calisthenics or otherwise, training your 25s, 50s, and 100 rep sets as a true work range, loving them, doing them all the time, but not too much, nor hard, just as a normal everyday thing is an extraordinarily high value practice.
It’s why I’m more jacked than the average… EVERYWHERE I GO

trc – define cocky