March 2021 Flow – “Body Transformation Gone Dumb” :

500+ dips on the day.

I spoke with a buddy about 2019’s “dip odyssey”, and leverages allowing you to really rack up the volume on certain movements, milking them for all they’re worth.

Likening the process to a “body transformation gone dumb”.

A body transformation gone dumb – for me this tends to be doing dips, dipping some more, after that dipping even more, and then thinking I’m done doing more dips.

I’m not doing a 2021 “dip odyssey” at present.

I’m using dips as a way to get more volume in, and because of 2019 know the effects and what I can get from them.

Instead of daily it’s more like every other day.

(500+ happened because dips are a way to go light, do meaningful volume, and get meaningful stimulation all at the same time.)

I spoke with a fat boy failing his PT test. I’ll probably do an article more specifically on this soon.

I offered to do burpees with him.
He needs it.

Fat boy didn’t want to do burpees…
He needs to!

I’ve never had a fat boy take up my advice or offers when it comes to burpees.

Burpees would stop fat boy from being a fat boy.

Burpees – an Rx for fat boys on the macro and micro levels, which keeps the fat boy from participating in said status of being a fat boy.

To really make this fat loss, I’d superset dips with some leg calisthenic.

Bodyweight squats most likely, though lunges too would work.

PT is the way to go.

Military, felons, and smart civilians agree on it.

Thinking on this note I want you to view diet as irrelevant.

Like Wes says in the video above ; “fuck the motherfucking food”.

During 2019’s “dip odyssey” I was doing the dips on top of moving labor, living on pizza, subs, kielbasa, whoopie pies, gatorade, ginger ale, and milk.

It wasn’t clean eating. I was getting leaner through high activity at work, and sheer volume with dips.

Body transformation gone dumb.

You can do this with a commitment to volume calisthenics.

Dip or chin ups for the “odyssey” portion, one or the other depending on whether you have arms more closely resembling a tyrannosaurus rex’s or an orangutan’s.

Then sometimes, or if you’re choosing to emulate the “Iron Wolf” channel, all the time – you smoke yourself with burpees.

100 1 pumps in 20:00 or less daily is maintainable physically.

You work on jogging up longer and longer portions, all set to an interval timer.

So you’re looking at :

•massive volume dips or chins
•some of the other and pullups
•100+ pushups as daily standby
•bw legs
•burpees – smokin

(Since I’m at pf I supplement with machines and dumbbell c&p, since they’re available.)

Physical Transformation Gone Dumb

This has near zero attention to eating right now, that’s the next step for going all in.

And in all honesty at a barbell gym I’d be running this with ~225lb deadlifts for the volume (like the dips), power cleans (& press?) and power snatches, the olys in 50/20 protocol mostly, and weighting bent rows all across the board as the heavy work, and as an alternative volume lift.

Persistence & Tenacity