They’re both scrawny, early college age, a pair of new acquittances talking training.
One is being asked, the other is asking all the questions.
Both dudes are under 130lbs, scrawny.
Twigs for limbs. No muscular development.
The one keeps telling how he’s already started to grow his arms and fill out his chest.
And he’s asking a million questions.
“My six exercises are filling out my chest, but now my lats need to grow. Do you know any workouts for the lats?”
I’m overhearing this thinking “Ok, you’re at pf. Lats? Chest? Go do a million pullups and pushups.”
That’s missing the leg work though. High reps on the selector leg press, and eat – they need this.
I’ve noticed that I weigh more than the two combined.
They need to eat, and not try to 1rm on cables. That’s what I see them doing, one heaved pulldown variant, all momentum, no muscular engagement.
Now maybe like the dude I wrote of recently, maybe these guys had some health problems.
Good for them for being at the gym doing something.
However I was taken aback that people make it to college in america without a reasonable idea as to how to train physically.
Really? You made it through high school without having an idea how to train the lats?
Makes sense. My generation was never required to do a pullup.
I did these things for myself.
Daily pushups at 14. Struggling to get my first chin up at the same.
PE should be like PT.
Graded on physical test performance, a class you have grades 6-12 daily.
The grades based on a calisthenics battery.
•Mile Run
With a mile run as a solid no frills cardio addition. Easily implemented, easily scored, 18 laps around a basketball court, 4 laps on the track.
You’d play sports thrice weekly, PT twice.
The fitness of america is easily fixed…
Give daily PE. Use basic calisthenics.
Even the worst of cases would thrive physically with this.
La Sierra needn’t be a thing of the past. It could be the norm today.
The deterioration of the individual’s physical state on average over the last two generations is shameful.
Easily fixed on both the macro and micro levels.
You get to build yourself!
Don’t be a sad case.