12/14/20 Flow : Inspiration For The Video

You train long enough and it all starts to come together.

It’s just effort over the years, the exact details don’t matter.

You don’t need to follow a program past a minimally detailed guideline.

I keep it as simple in mind as
“train well, eat well, serious play”.

It’s better to use less thinking than more in most cases.

Step 1 : Go do.
Step 2 : Do not ask.
Step 3 : Do not contemplate long.
Step 4 : Go do.

The guys that get into the gym and weren’t playing linebacker in high school football tend to be the types who think far too much.

To a comical degree you can coax them into being in the moment tapped into doing the work, and when the set is over blow their mind with how much more they did than what they thought they were capable of.

The perpetual never get bigger crowd simply need to discover the joy of bacon cheeseburgers, whole milk, raw eggs with ice cream, and actually eat.

If they actually ate they’d get to the size they want.

They can’t put down a plate with a piddly amount on it where pigeons would do their best oliver impersonation asking for more, and expect to get bigger.

Dudes with naturally fast metabolisms?

Man do they have the bodybuilder genetics!

They’re crippling themselves thinking they’re a hardgainer, when once they truly eat will get bigger yet put on nary an ounce of fat.

They can eat 7000 calories a day and stay lean!

Positive Interpretation Of Your Genetics :

It’s all just the perspective, whether positive or negative, that affects how the circumstances work for you.

The dude prone to being muscular easily stays muscular.

The wiry dude is never going to put on fat.

The big fat guy bulks so easily, his lean body mass alone easily passes the muscular guys total bodyweight.

Think offensive lineman vs linebacker.

The skinny fat dude has the gift of circumstance to joyfully overcome!

The “worst” genetics is offered the most epic path out of the somatotypes in his path to getting built.

Wherever you are, getting where you want to be takes as long as it takes.

Maybe you’re not the dude at 6′ 220 with abs at 15.

Regardless, train though.

As long as it’s done with heart 5 years will see you able to hang with d1 football players as training partners.

Whether football players or ifbb bodybuilders – training around them makes you realize fast that… THEY’RE ALL HUMAN!

So few do anything of note that it’s not that far from the bottom 10% to the top 10%.

Get off the couch. That allows your physical potential to thrive.

We’re supposed to be 99% the same DNA as monkeys, so amongst humans the genetic potentials are not all that different.

Genetic potential between you and you and you and you is extremely close!