Two Simple Things Necessary To Aging Well :

There’s two simple things I’ve noticed will have you to age well :

•No television
•Eating red meat, eggs, full fat dairy – saturated fat

It’s that simple to age well.

Don’t watch television. Do eat saturated fat.

Don’t dumb yourself down in front of a screen, and don’t starve yourself of the nutrition you need.

Television dumbs you down. The application year after year truly makes you stupid.

Hormone production and brain function both are tied to the consumption of saturated fats, animal fats, red meat, eggs, dairy.

When you dumb yourself down with television, and starve yourself of the vital nutrition you need from animal fat, the two compound to create an aged idiot, starved of brain function, and without a healthy body.

The modern world kills humanity.

Don’t live by it’s suggestions, it’s norms, and you shall truly live.

Every second in front of the television is always better spent elsewhere.

As far as eating, trust your gut and instinct, you know inside you that saturated fat is what you need for health, not grains, not low fat.

There’s a reason the smart youth gets angry watching television, just as his favorite foods are whatever he can get his hands on with saturated fat present.

Persistence & Tenacity