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Glass bottle, cane sugar, I’ve taken to spending about $10 a week to have some quality soda, in this case ginger beer on a daily basis.
The stronger the better.
Ginger beer has an amazing ability to clear my sinuses.
I try every brand, I’ve yet to find the one that customers gave us a few months back.
It was this memory and being clogged up that got me to start buying them the last few weeks.
Ginger beer serves the purpose better than ginger candies that I still have on hand, and ginger ale which
I drank ungodly amounts of while working over the summer.
So that day I was riding shotgun, I twisted off what may have not been intended as twist off cap off the bottles for myself and the driver.
We click bottles, in a company box truck, on the highway, both take a swig, and both cough hard.
I know that it was a local New England company, that’s it.
Actually told this story to the chick bagging my groceries the other day.