5/1/20 Flow : Discipline, Stress Free PT, Zero Self Harm

A small amount of daily PT makes it very much unnecessary to stress any exercise related variable.

A good mindset, meaning you don’t fear a loss of gains, while believing in your own human potential being a given natural thing, makes whatever you do or don’t do for the most part all irrelevant variables.

I remember in high school summers I just enjoyed the physicality I had. Not being required to run miles I didn’t, I just lifted, PT’d, and played all the time.
My buddy and I had “the game”, just hours of punting and returning a rugby ball over a 20 or 25yd stretch.

The gym is not open, what training I do is all over the place, my eating alternates between fasting and feasting.

None of that really matters.

I’m content at present to sit outside and read. Nightly pushups and the leg static holds are enough.

Good thoughts and brief victory poses guarantee an anabolic environment.

Step outside, take your shirt off, and get some vitamin d.

I can not stress enough how much good thoughts and good manly posture keeps you strong.

Another big role is filled by an instinctive and staunch refusal to self harm.

I refuse to watch porn, no matter how easy pulling up xvideos would be.

The disciplined refusal to self harm is deeply tied into the self perception of one’s own masculinity.

And the lockdown has just made me see how strong I can be alone in my thoughts.

Everything is what you make of it.

All that time, I deeply sense possibility and opportunity.

Life is good.