Don’t Discuss Hollywood “Fact” Or Sports Stat

As a Man you don’t discuss hollywood trivia or sports stats.
It’s conduct unbecoming. You don’t care an iota over such things.

Spectators discuss that shit, if you really need to, you may as well just go full cuckold since spectation is what you like to do.

I have a strong distaste to males discussing such things, it has long been above my disgust threshold, pinged my disgust radar.

Nor do I like females puking out info of the same note.

The products of hollywood only matter to those with a nothing life, no purpose, nothing.

Both sexes have better to do.

You’re content to discuss people you don’t know, will never meet, and that honestly shouldn’t even enter your mind?

That’s a problem whether male or female. Everyone is capable of better things.

Kids eventually grow out of shit like that, and frankly you as an “adult” shouldn’t have surrendered their youth like that when you should know better.

Some kids mature to adults, some stay immature in the suspended animation of spectation.

That turn likely happens between teenage and mid 20s. Though regardless, if you haven’t, the time is now!

The males obsessing over “their” team, watching porn while no longer a teenager, caring about marvel movie #3872…it’s stunted growth.

The female parallel is needing drama, not manufactured fake drama irrelevant to life, but the natural drama that comes with raising one’s own flesh and blood, then eventually more of the same with grandkids.

I thought puberty and maturation into manhood rid one of such things (spectation). That not happening is the stunting of the maturation.

I see so many resigned to and caring about the television.
Me? I’d rather do stuff.

Dodging the television makes your mind your own.

The haze disapates, you start to think, you start to see.

The world opens up facing your own thoughts, breathing the fresh air, the truth is seen.