Archives : Speaking of August 2019
A healthy appetite for “breakfast” foods is the simplest way to eat hearty and be robust.
I’ve long felt that the heartiness of a good breakfast is eaten at the wrong time of the day.
Fried eggs, potatoes, sausage, milk. This is the makings of a highly anabolic evening meal, as preferably you don’t want the ole 49er floating around in you gut as you try to work all day.
I was at a hotel in northern Virginia. Like many hotels there was a breakfast buffet, in which I felt like an obese German boy in an amply stocked candy store.
I ate around 6 hard boiled eggs, 2 fried eggs, a few packets of instant grits mixed with sausage gravy, 2 biscuits drenched in the same, an instant oatmeal packet, a few sausage patties, a few slices of toast with butter, jam, peanut butter, while drinking solidly a quart of apple juice (I used a coffee cup instead of the little plastic ones) and I believe 5 8oz milk cartons.
Normally I’d stomach this fine. I was feeling slightly off to begin with, and soon after while taking a shit puked into the sink. I could stomach all of it…except the milk carton that had tasted funky, that despite the off taste I finished anyway. I felt shitty as hell when I let the desk know the sink in their lobby men’s bathroom would need cleaning. I’d met the janitor prior, a kind and polite slim elderly black woman, she’d offered me ice from a staff area for my apple juice. I felt like an asshole knowing she’d have to clean the rest of my mess.
(Because not only as a matter of pride do I clean up my own messes as much as possible, but I’ve also been a janitor. The last time I puked prior to that was at the gym. Finding myself unable to make it to a toilet, I made it to a trash can, then tying off the bag and taking it round the building to the dumpster myself, letting the desk girl reline the can as I didn’t have access to the trash bags.)
Despite all this folks in VA know how to do breakfast…if only it was moved from the AM to the evening.